I've been bringing it all back to my thrifty roots these days. I found this epic pair of black brogues (which I have been on the lookout for AGES and I plan to wear them every day until there are holes in the sole because they are PERFECT) and Ferragamo flats at Value Village the other day. The Ferragamos aren't my usual style, but can we get a close-up on the price tag?

YES. $7.99. If you see designer shoes that are in good condition and in your size, do not stop to think - proceed directly to the cash register and BUY THEM.
In other news, I'm very much attached to this creepy black dress I bought over at
Shop It Right Now. All of the buttons make me feel like I'm trapped in some prim Victorian schoolmarm/90s goth child* fantasy.

My is finally long enough to pin back, which is really adding to the schoolmarm vibe.

All of this prim-and-properness is freaking me out! Must compensate with silly faces!

*It is my goal to exhaust every single 90s subculture before I turn 30. Next up: Candy Raver.