Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Countdown to Thanksgiving: #3 Reason I'm Thankful

Yesterday I explained how I was going to do a countdown of my 4 top reasons why I am thankful. Yesterday, I told you why I was thankful for Life.

Today, I bring you my #3 reason why I am thankful. This one is probably a little bit off the beaten path, but that's only what makes it more special to me. I am thankful for my county's school system. Between the quick turnaround in getting Scooby the speech help he needed, and the thoroughness of keeping Jellybean's file up to date, they have made getting help for my babies needs a (mostly) smooth transition.  So...

#3: I am thankful for Jellybean's wonderful Student Care group, and for the advocates in the school who made Scooby's need for speech and getting into the school system so smooth. JB's teacher has been especially wonderful, after a rough start when I thought that she wasn't listening. Her school GC has been with us every step of the way, and I am very grateful for her being in our lives. I'm sad that next year JB moves up to a new school, but because of how well her elementary school has handled all of her needs, and their organization with the paperwork, I am confident that her future will be great.

And that? That, is irreplaceable. That is something I will be thankful for for the rest of JB's life.


I have learned:

  • gratitude-so many of my friends with children with special needs are having such a hard time either getting their child the help they need or continuing their services. This makes me very grateful that our county is so pro-active.
  • patience-sometimes it takes baby steps to get to the results you want, even though you may have to hold their hand a little bit in guidance.
  • communication-it goes both ways. I have been on both ends of communication; the one receiving without returning, and the one giving without a response. It's finding the middle that makes all the difference.

What are you thankful for today?

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