A landscape painted in bright red with approximately one 1,000,000 spider lilies unfolds in front of you. Enjoy the rich autumnal color in Kinchakuda, the most famous Lycoris radiata or Red spider lily spot in Japan
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Jennifer Yuh Nelson's 'Kung Fu Panda 2' Becomes Highest Grossing Film with a Female Director

No offense to either of these movies (as I enjoyed both of them...yes, even Mamma Mia!), but this feels like a sign that female directors need to step their game up. Yes, box office numbers aren't everything in this industry, but they sure do help. Where is our Christina Nolan?
Casting Rumors for new 'Les Miserables'

Tom Hooper who directed The King's Speech has already signed on to direct this film and apparently a variety of actors are dying to play the lead roles.

Miranda Cosgrove, Hayden Panettiere, Emma Watson and Lucy Hale are all competing for the roles of Cosette and Epanine. My question is — can any of them sing? I think we all remember Cosgrove's performance of "Memory" from School of Rock and while Watson would be perfect for Epanine, I'm not sure her pipes are prepared for what is considered to be one of the most challenging female roles in musical theatre.

Also competing are Anne Hathaway, Amy Adams and Rebecca Hall for the role of Fantine. I think both Hathaway and Adams could do this role justice, but Adams has more of a frail look to her so she'd probably fit the bill.

What do you guys think? Who would make a worthy film cast for such an epic musical? Personally, I think they should recruit Lea Michele and Idina Menzel.
Monday, August 29, 2011
First 'Hunger Games' Trailer
Honestly, I don't know much about The Hunger Games series. I hear the books are excellent. However, this trailer left something to be desired. It reminded me a little too much of the nondescript Twilight trailers — running through the woods, background narration and a severe lack of interesting elements. What do you guys think? Interested?
'Glee 3D Concert Movie' Review

And fortunately, I was only slightly disappointed from what I saw in the theater. The song selection was excellent (the best song was definitely Amy Winehouse's "Valerie" sung by my favorite character, Santana) and the dancing was great. What I wasn't crazy about was the lack of backstory. Instead of having the actors talk about the show and how it has grown, each person stayed in character even in the backstage shots. So Rachel Berry was always Rachel Berry...never Lea Michele.
I wanted to know more about the actors and their journey thus far. What I got instead was an exposé on three major Glee fans who each had something that set them apart. Their stories were endearing and it was clear that Glee had made a big impact on their lives, but I would have liked to see them meet the characters they claimed to connect to.
The best part of the film had to be the mini Warbler...but I could have just seen that on YouTube.
Overall it was a fun, feel good movie. But I have to admit that Justin Bieber's Never Say Never movie was much more in-depth and interesting (yeah, I went to that too).
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I miss you guys!
I haven't been hugely active lately, I know, but moving to wordpress and not being able to take my subscribers and Google Friends with me was like moving from VA to Iceland or something. I hope y'all will come see me soon in my new home.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
LADY GAGA With Jan Taminiau in new video `You and I`
Lady Gaga's latest videoclip announces a new stylistic discovery that's original, unique and daring. This time, the artist's famous stylist Nicola Formichetti decided to use Jan Taminiau's designs...The two pieces created by Taminiau revolutionized the styling for the videoclip 'You and I'. One of the dresses is made of cork, leather and chiffon with v-shaped stripes and gold nails.
Gaga also
Gaga also
Friday, August 19, 2011
'Texas Killing Fields' Trailer

I think it has promise, though the last movie I saw about Texas was The Killer Inside Me, so I don't have the highest of hopes for this one. It's set to come out October 7. Will you go see it?
'Machine Gun Preacher' Trailer

The film is directed by Marc Foster who directed Monster's Ball so hopefully this will be more than a simple story of redemption. It is set to come out this September. Will you go see it?
'The Woman in Black' Trailer

IMDB tells us:
"A young lawyer travels to a remote village to organize a recently deceased client's papers, where he discovers the ghost of a scorned woman set on vengeance."
It's set to come out February 3, 2012 in the US. Will you go see it?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
How To Make A Pina Colada Cocktail
How To Make A Pina Colada Cocktail
The piña colada (Spanish, strained pineapple: piña, pineapple + colada, strained) is a sweet, rum-based cocktail made with rum, cream of coconut, and pineapple juice, usually served either blended or shaken with ice. It may be garnished with a pineapple wedge or a maraschino cherry or both. The piña colada has been the official beverage of Puerto Rico since
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
How to Make Whimsical Fabric Flower Hair Clips
How to Make Whimsical Fabric Flower Hair Clips? You just need a little fabric, some hair clips, and a flame.
Materials for Fabric Flowers:
synthetic fabric in whatever colors and styles catch your eye. I used 1/8th of a yard each of five different types of complimentary fabrics, some sheer, some opaque.
a candle
something for the center of the flower. I used Swarovski crystals,
New and fashion LG Prada K2 smartphone
The Prada brand is coming back to the LG phone lineup, according to a leaked roadmap, and now there's an extra-blurry video of one such device - the LG Prada K2 - to back it up.
From what we've heard of the Prada K2, specs state that it's a dual-core Gingerbread droid with a 4.3-inch version of the excellent NOVA display. This one will be even brighter than the one on the Optimus Black, putting
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Lady Gaga Looks Shocking Normal
Lady Gaga well known with her outrageous looks but this time she shocked her fans by going for a surprisingly Normal Look.
Quite Shocking and Historical Moment!! The 25-year-old singer Lady Gaga was spotted in a sexy one shoulder black and yellow dress by Versace as she made her way out of the La Maison De Fashion on August 12 in Los Angeles.
The “Born This Way” singer looked lady like and
Summer's Ending & Changes
I have been hard at work all summer long trying to move all aspects of The Scoop on Poop to wordpress. I am still working out a few kinks, but I am ready to make the move. It even has a new url. I have not been able to move my subscribers over yet, so I hope that if you subscribe, by email or rss, that you will continue to do so with the new site. The options are there for you in the sidebar.
Are you ready?
Click HERE.
Hope to see you THERE!
Are you ready?
Click HERE.
Hope to see you THERE!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
How to make: Orgasm Cocktail
The Orgasm is a cocktail that can be either served on the rocks or layered and drunk as a shooter. It is an IBA official cocktail.
There are many other versions of this popular mixed drink. One of those forms is remembered by "being made on your B.A.C.K.", or made with Bailey's, Amaretto, cream (half and half) and Kahlúa, with each ingredient having a one part measure. Another variation
Friday, August 12, 2011
'The Help' Review

Instead of having the book's multiple narrators, the film's sole storyteller was the maid Aibileen (played by Viola Davis). Davis was truly the film's central character with the necessary wisdom, emotion and understanding of the role to make it great. Having read the book and watched the film's trailer, I was concerned that the movie wouldn't be able to capture the seriousness of the story's topic. Luckily, those who may think this film is a comedy will be somewhat disappointed. The film did a good job of not being a simple feel-good comedy set in turbulent times.

The only scene I found to be unrealistic was between Skeeter and her mother Charlotte (played by Allison Janney). In the scene, Charlotte stands up for her daughter, acknowledging that Skeeter wrote the book and that Charlotte is incredibly proud of her for doing so. The character of Charlotte in the book was significantly flawed, while still being lovable as a mother. But the film's self-realization moment was not believable, and I felt like it was put in there because no one wants to think poorly of Janney.
Apart from this scene my only other complaint was the inclusion of the character of Stuart (played by Chris Lowell), Skeeter's love interest. In the book the character was much more complex and the author devoted a significant amount of backstory to the role. But Stuart wasn't vital to the central storyline and since the filmmaker didn't include all the scenes necessary to make his character important, they should have just eliminated him completely.
But that's literally every negative statement I have about the film. It was probably the best adaptation that could have been made. The book's complex story and deep emotional pain wasn't lost in translation, which is a rare accomplishment.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
What I've Missed This Week
Sorry for being MIA this week loyal readers. I've had back-to-back vacations, an engagement and was even stung by a jellyfish, so I've been pretty busy. To make up for my lack of devotion to Honest | Unmerciful this week, I've decided to recap what's been going on in the film industry.
1) A Dirty Dancing Remake. I didn't stutter. It seems High School Musical director Kenny Ortega is at it again. Though I admire the man, trying to remake this classic seems silly and a sure fire way to make a lot of people mad. I think Ortega should have taken some hints from the too-gross-to-watch Footloose remake trailer that I saw a couple weeks ago. Leave the classics in the '80s where they belong. But Jennifer Grey, the star of the first film seems to think otherwise. “I’m so excited about this news and I think there’s nobody better to do this than my beloved Kenny Ortega, who is as responsible as anyone for the success of the first one. I can’t wait to see what he’s going to do with it.” Whatever Jennifer, you know that no one went to go see that movie for you....it was all about the Swayyyzzzzzeeeee.
2) Kathryn Bigelow's Bin Laden movie caused controversy. Bigelow has been talking about this project for a while. After winning Best Director for her film The Hurt Locker (which also won Best Picture), many have been waiting to see what her next move will be. Turns out it's just a simple movie about one of the most complex missions in American history...NBD. Well after a column came out in The New York Times saying that Bigelow and her fellow filmmaker Mark Boal were getting insider information on the mission to help Obama's campaign, the project took a turn for the scandalous. However, both the White House and the filmmakers deny any such collaboration.
3) Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible 15 million got a trailer and new images. Not much is noteworthy here except for the fact that Cruise is starting to aim his career in the direction of Nick Cage.
4) A Very Harold & Kumar Xmas gets a trailer. Set to come out in early November of this year, the film follows the two stoner friends as they go on more pointless adventures. A family flick just in time for the holidays!
5) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 becomes the third highest grossing film of all time at $1.148 billion globally. Beating Mr. Potter are Titanic at $1.843 and Avatar at $2.782. However, the film's still in theaters so maybe it will make it to the number two spot. The next closest Potter film was the first, which is 11th on the highest grossing film list.
6) Disney announced two Marvel release dates for 2014, but won't say what films they will be. Since Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 are already set, we can count those two out. I'm thinking the Flash movie that we've heard murmurs about might have a shot. Or maybe Jeremy Renner's Avenger's character Hawkeye will get his own flick.
7) Speaking of sequels, The Amazing Spider-Man film, set to come out in July next year, already has a sequel date set. The second of this Spider-Man reboot will come out May 2, 2014. Though I'm definitely excited for the film, it seems like they're counting their spiders before they've hatched.
8) We learned Colin Firth knows how to stutter in "British" but not how to speak in a Southern accent. The Main Street trailer is pretty rough.
9) I'm going to see The Help tomorrow with a review to follow. And don't worry, I have finished the book so I do consider myself well-versed enough to write this one.
10) SJP shoots her new movie in NYC and somehow I miss it. And I call myself a fan.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Mother Nature's Son
This entire outfit was thrifted in the magnificent secondhand stores of Belleville, Ont. for a mere $13. People way underestimate the quality of thrifted goods in crappy, small towns - it's always better than you think! I like how the skirt actually looks like it was made out of a curtain. The weird length and uneven hem on this thing is golden!!!
I also thrifted an amazing new pair of witch boots for Fall, which is great since my last pair pinched my toes a little too enthusiastically. The grand total? $2.50.
Do you guys remember that silly little video of me awkwardly describing my life's ambition to create a fashion magazine that encourages free thinking rather than conspicuous consumption? A magazine that treats women intelligent women with love and respect while challenging the conventions of the "fashion" industry?
It appears I am a finalist in the contest so if you think that might be a magazine you would be interested in reading, please click here to vote for me!! The voting period lasts until September 16th and you can vote once every day, so please exercise your democratic capabilities and vote for me (or whoever you think has the best idea). I love you all!
I also thrifted an amazing new pair of witch boots for Fall, which is great since my last pair pinched my toes a little too enthusiastically. The grand total? $2.50.
Do you guys remember that silly little video of me awkwardly describing my life's ambition to create a fashion magazine that encourages free thinking rather than conspicuous consumption? A magazine that treats women intelligent women with love and respect while challenging the conventions of the "fashion" industry?
It appears I am a finalist in the contest so if you think that might be a magazine you would be interested in reading, please click here to vote for me!! The voting period lasts until September 16th and you can vote once every day, so please exercise your democratic capabilities and vote for me (or whoever you think has the best idea). I love you all!
Doppel-Deluge: Doppelganger Highlights Week of 7.31
Favorite 3:
3. George Clooney & Clark Gable
*Evolutionary Special*
(in theory)
2. Adrian Gonzalez & Bob Hoskins as Mario
*Fan Friday Special*
1. Dean Cain & Fabio Fognini
For the rest of the week (it was stellar) and all your other look-alike needs visit the mother ship at doppspot.com. Also check out the brand new tumblr. page Tyler Kahl Nude for highlights and special features.
3. George Clooney & Clark Gable
*Evolutionary Special*
(in theory)
2. Adrian Gonzalez & Bob Hoskins as Mario
*Fan Friday Special*
1. Dean Cain & Fabio Fognini
For the rest of the week (it was stellar) and all your other look-alike needs visit the mother ship at doppspot.com. Also check out the brand new tumblr. page Tyler Kahl Nude for highlights and special features.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Modern Interior Photo Wallpapers by Eazywallz
In comparison to wallpaper mural of the 1970s modern version of wall treatments looks modern and will suit those who prefer the professionally designed look. Today’s wallpaper murals allow designers and homeowners to turn personal photos, fine art prints, natural images and scenes, or patterns into wallpaper murals. The following collection was created by paper designers Eazywallz. There are no
Pomeranian Dog Wallpaper
Monday, August 8, 2011
Guest Blog: Celebrate 90 Years
Please welcome back Patty of Pampered Patty as she holds down the poop today.

My grandfather turned 90 today. I think about that and it really astounds me that my Poppy is 90. We had a party for him yesterday at the Vet's home where he now lives. He had a great time, there were some family members that came from out of town. Some people he had not seen in such a long time. It was sweet to see how happy he was.
He always called everyone " Dear". When he was asking a question it would he " How about that eh Dear?" So today all we heard was " Eh dear?" It was too cute.
On the drive home with my kids I started to think about the last 90 years and what it must be like to be that age. I know some of his younger years during the war and after were very hard. He was a very young man in World War II. He parachuted out of a plane and into the trenches in the dark of night. What he saw during that night and what came after it had such an impact on him that he was afraid of the dark for the rest of his life. I used to ask my grandmother why he slept with the light on. She replied " He doesn't sleep until the sun comes up sweetie, the light just helps him get through the night."
I think about everything he has seen in his life. The year he was born was the year the very first robot was built, the birth of artificial life. He has lived to see some of the greatest inventions like Antibiotics, Insulin, Television, Radio, Polaroid Photography.
Other inventions perhaps not so great like Nuclear Power.
He has also lived to see such atrocities as The Great Depression, The Holocaust, WW II which he fought in, The bombing of Hiroshima, The Civil Rights Movement, The Vietnam war. This is to name a few.
He was born at the time of silent movies...in black and white...which then moved in to talking movies or as he called it " the talkies...still in black and white. He remembers when the movies moved into technicolor, then television as well. A real feast for the eyes. He remembers the very first drive-ins.
There is so much he has seen and lived and is still living. It truly amazes me and makes me realize how much we take for granted. We are born in a world where there are still inventions but I don't believe they will be as huge as what my grandfather has seen. It was a time where man and technology came together and made things that changed the world. And the world itself changed.
It is still changing and it always will except now it seems to be at a faster pace. Today I have to say it was really nice to take a step back, to rewind a bit. To listen to my aunts and uncles sing older songs like Old Cape Cod and more. My children really enjoyed the time with their great grandfather. I know I certainly did. When I was little I remember my grandfather was always laughing, telling jokes that my grandmother rolled her eyes at. he always seemed to have a smile, a quick sense of humor, and a funny giggle.
Seeing him today, although he may not always remember, he still laughs and smiles. It is so nice to know that in this changing world there are some things that stay the same. I take great comfort in that.
Pampered Patty
Want to know more about Pampered Patty? Check out her feature here from Friday.
My grandfather turned 90 today. I think about that and it really astounds me that my Poppy is 90. We had a party for him yesterday at the Vet's home where he now lives. He had a great time, there were some family members that came from out of town. Some people he had not seen in such a long time. It was sweet to see how happy he was.
He always called everyone " Dear". When he was asking a question it would he " How about that eh Dear?" So today all we heard was " Eh dear?" It was too cute.
On the drive home with my kids I started to think about the last 90 years and what it must be like to be that age. I know some of his younger years during the war and after were very hard. He was a very young man in World War II. He parachuted out of a plane and into the trenches in the dark of night. What he saw during that night and what came after it had such an impact on him that he was afraid of the dark for the rest of his life. I used to ask my grandmother why he slept with the light on. She replied " He doesn't sleep until the sun comes up sweetie, the light just helps him get through the night."
I think about everything he has seen in his life. The year he was born was the year the very first robot was built, the birth of artificial life. He has lived to see some of the greatest inventions like Antibiotics, Insulin, Television, Radio, Polaroid Photography.
Other inventions perhaps not so great like Nuclear Power.
He has also lived to see such atrocities as The Great Depression, The Holocaust, WW II which he fought in, The bombing of Hiroshima, The Civil Rights Movement, The Vietnam war. This is to name a few.
He was born at the time of silent movies...in black and white...which then moved in to talking movies or as he called it " the talkies...still in black and white. He remembers when the movies moved into technicolor, then television as well. A real feast for the eyes. He remembers the very first drive-ins.
There is so much he has seen and lived and is still living. It truly amazes me and makes me realize how much we take for granted. We are born in a world where there are still inventions but I don't believe they will be as huge as what my grandfather has seen. It was a time where man and technology came together and made things that changed the world. And the world itself changed.
It is still changing and it always will except now it seems to be at a faster pace. Today I have to say it was really nice to take a step back, to rewind a bit. To listen to my aunts and uncles sing older songs like Old Cape Cod and more. My children really enjoyed the time with their great grandfather. I know I certainly did. When I was little I remember my grandfather was always laughing, telling jokes that my grandmother rolled her eyes at. he always seemed to have a smile, a quick sense of humor, and a funny giggle.
Seeing him today, although he may not always remember, he still laughs and smiles. It is so nice to know that in this changing world there are some things that stay the same. I take great comfort in that.
Pampered Patty
Want to know more about Pampered Patty? Check out her feature here from Friday.
10 Greatest Love Books Of All Time
Romantic novels have earned themselves a special position in literature. As a result, they have an entire genre dedicated to them. Romantic books have been written in every language in the world. For most people the idea of love begins with the romantic novels. Their ideas for their partners are based on the descriptions written by the authors.
For many of us, the introduction to romantic books
For many of us, the introduction to romantic books
Sunday, August 7, 2011
How to make: Cosmopolitan Cocktail
Cosmopolitan Cocktail recipe
1 oz vodka
1/2 oz triple sec
1/2 oz Rose's lime juice
1/2 oz cranberry juice
Shake vodka, triple sec, lime and cranberry juice vigorously in a shaker with ice. Strain into a martini glass, garnish with a lime wedge on the rim, and serve.
how to,
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Comfortable chair “Cradle” for Adults
Designer Richard Clarkson has created a cradle for adults, in collaboration with Grace Emmanual, Brodie Campbell, Jeremy Broker, Eamon Moore, Kahlivia Russell and Joya Boerrigter. "Cradle" is about creating a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment in which the user can dissipate the overstimulation of their senses. The design was heavily directed by a synthesis of research into Autism and
Sweet Sleeping Babies by Tracy Raver
Art works of American photographer Tracy Raver cause tenderness. Tracy specializes in photographing of babies aged about 2 weeks. To get children in such half asleep condition photographer tries to make the studio as warm and welcoming as she can, and moms fed babies right before the shooting. As a result we see absolutely stunning photos of charming sleeping babies. They sleep not only in the
Friday, August 5, 2011
Creepy Crawly
Completely exhausted after a long day at the Art Gallery of Ontario with an old friend (Hi Patrick!), but I am now the proud owner of a beautiful pair of black suede creepers!! It's kind of sad that I needed these so badly that they were haunting my dreams and I had to take a Greyhound to the closest big city to get my hands on them but they are MINE ALL MINE NOW.
In other excellent news, I think I've figured out my style direction for Fall! It's all about "schoolgirl skank" aka wearing clunky shoes, awkward school uniform socks and button-down shirts with real sexy pencil skirts. Like that fast kind of girl who brings a change of clothes in her backpack every day so she can dress to impress...
First Image of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman
Thursday, August 4, 2011
BSOW: A Little Pampered Goes A Long Way
It's Friday again? Where are the weeks going? Man, I feel like if I blink, it will be Christmas! Anyway, on with the show {and the ice cream!}
This week's Best Scoop of the Week found her father's family. She wrote a letter of acceptance to her body that we should all do. She made promises she didn't keep.
She's wonderfully honest, and not the least bit pampered, but she is a Pampered Chef consultant. Today's Scoop of the Week is better known as Pampered Patty.
I asked Patty if she could switch places with anyone alive or dead, famous or not, who would she choose and why?
" if I could switch places with one person this week it would be my husband. I think it would be neat for him to be me and see my perspective on things and it would be cool to be him as well."
Patty will be back on Monday to guest post. Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Summer Blog Social: Advice For You
I know. Everyone is at BlogHer but me, and you if you are reading this. I don't feel to left out though since BBCD and 4 Plus an Angel came up with the #SummerBlogSocial to help me feel in the loop.
What's that you say?
Oh. Well click the link and find out. You won't be sorry. Can you wait until after you read my post though? Thanks so much. ;)
As for me? I chose Prompt #5: What activities, practices, features or events have helped you most in terms of blog or social media growth?
Have you ever noticed my sidebar? It seems really cluttered, doesn't it? But, if you look a little closer to the right, you see a list I call "You Can Find the Poop Here". Those are the places I frequent, most notably groups like The Red Dress Club, a writing club for women (though we have recently had some men join in too). There are other writing groups as well, and just above that space in my sidebar, you see "The Poop is Writing on the Walls Here".
Say what? Your writing poop on other people's walls?
Yep, I sure am. I post every Wednesday at Rage Against the Washing Machine (though its currently on hiatus for a couple of weeks) and I lead the writing workshop group for Tiffany at Bloggy Moms.
Why is this important?
Did you know that by joining Bloggy Moms your blog gets noticed? And? if you join the Writing Workshop, I notice your blog, and when you participate? I tweet about it. As often as I can, because your blog deserves to get noticed.
Why did I tell you about my weekly post at Rage?
That gets my blog noticed too. Seriously. I have met so many new people via her blog I can't even begin to explain.
The next piece of advice I have? Memes.
Participate in them. There are so many out there to choose from. I'm quite sure you can find one that suits your style. My current memes are
- Post It Notes Tuesday, hosted by Kristin of Only Parent Chronicles
- Pour Your Heart Out, hosted by Shell of Things I Can't Say
- Wordless/Wordful Wednesday, hosted all over the blogosphere, but specifically by Parenting By Dummies and Seven Clown Circus
- Summer Photo Challenge, hosted by Alicia of Project Alicia and Kristi of Live and Love...Out Loud.
I run a feature every Friday, too. I call it The Best Scoop of the Week. Its a chance to get your blog featured, and break in your guest posting abilities at the same time. How do you do that? You just email me 3 of your favorite links. It's easy as pie (or maybe I should say ice cream, since that's what you get when you are featured. Three scoops to be exact, and I promise its not poop.) When its your turn, you'll get an interview question from me for your feature, and a prompt for your guest post. Need more info? That's easy to come by. Just click the Best Scoop of the Week (BSOW) tab at the bottom of my header.
Did you see what I did there? I promoted MYSELF. Ha. AND? I told you about a cool meme of my own.
And it didn't even hurt.
Did you know blogger makes it easy to promote your posts? At the bottom of every post you write a little grib pops up. I always click on the twitter symbol to tweet, and post to my facebook page too. The google + button is there as well.
I also joined some websites, though I don't really know how to get promoted on them, so anyone with the goods on getting syndicated on BlogHer or getting published on Studio 30+ and Indie Ink, I would grateful for. (Ha. So I worked in Prompt #6 or 9 here too.)
Basically, the more you join, the more you get promoted. It's been made SO easy for you. All you have to do now is sign up. What are you waiting for?
Have you joined Google + yet? I have invites.
8.2.11 song of the day
First, I'd like to thank my friend Anahi for originally posting this
Second, I don't believe in love at first site but if you're trying to twist my arm, nudity helps.
Second, I don't believe in love at first site but if you're trying to twist my arm, nudity helps.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
From the Poop Files: A Love Story
This was originally posted last year, and I thought it would be fun to bring it back. Enjoy!
Once upon a time, there was a girl. We shall call her Drama Mama.
She was floating along in life as a single mom to a gorgeous little girl called Jellybean. She wasn't lonely as her days were filled with hard work and keeping her daughter occupied. They were two peas in a pod who enjoyed their little life.
One day, Drama Mama was waiting at the local bus station to take the bus to work when she saw a friend of a friend parked in his taxicab at the local station.
The buses were running late as usual, and when he finished his phone call, she struck up a conversation with him, just to fill the time. He ended up offering Drama Mama a ride to work, no charge.
He asked her out on a date as he dropped her off. She gave it a quick thought, since she really wasn't looking for a relationship and figured "Why not? I deserve dinner and a movie" so she said Yes.
From that moment on, every time she called to request a cab, his was the one that was waiting for her. They would talk about everything and nothing in particular. She would ride with him for a little while as he worked. Finally, the big date came.
Drama Mama gets all dressed up. He picks her up. They decide to see "The Village". There's popcorn. There's large sodas. All the right stuff for a night at the movies.
Except there is one problem. Mr. Taxicab is the touchy-feely kind. He firmly plants his right arm across her shoulders, and his left hand on her thigh.
Throughout the ENTIRE movie. This is no joke.
She's looking for an oxygen tank to rescue her and not finding one in sight. She fakes a headache at dinner, ordering nothing. He ordered his food though, and her silly old self just couldn't stomach the date anymore and asked him to take her home.
And he did.
Two weeks later, he calls and asks for a second chance, promising to not be Mr. Space Invader. He kept his word.
Three months later, they were madly in love with each other.
Three years down the road, he changes her life completely.
They knew that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together from the moment they fell in love. February 2005, he pulled out an engagement ring, while they were stopped at a traffic light, on her birthday. He didn't say a word, just looked at her. A simple "well, duh!" later, her ring finger was decorated with shiny new bling.
He may not have been who I was expecting, but he certainly has done everything in his power to make my dreams come true. He is my forever love. He is, and forever will be, my Knight in Shining Armor.
For better, for worse, through the uglies, and the beautiful, we are bound to each other for eternity. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Once upon a time, there was a girl. We shall call her Drama Mama.
She was floating along in life as a single mom to a gorgeous little girl called Jellybean. She wasn't lonely as her days were filled with hard work and keeping her daughter occupied. They were two peas in a pod who enjoyed their little life.
One day, Drama Mama was waiting at the local bus station to take the bus to work when she saw a friend of a friend parked in his taxicab at the local station.
The buses were running late as usual, and when he finished his phone call, she struck up a conversation with him, just to fill the time. He ended up offering Drama Mama a ride to work, no charge.
He asked her out on a date as he dropped her off. She gave it a quick thought, since she really wasn't looking for a relationship and figured "Why not? I deserve dinner and a movie" so she said Yes.
From that moment on, every time she called to request a cab, his was the one that was waiting for her. They would talk about everything and nothing in particular. She would ride with him for a little while as he worked. Finally, the big date came.
Drama Mama gets all dressed up. He picks her up. They decide to see "The Village". There's popcorn. There's large sodas. All the right stuff for a night at the movies.
Except there is one problem. Mr. Taxicab is the touchy-feely kind. He firmly plants his right arm across her shoulders, and his left hand on her thigh.
Throughout the ENTIRE movie. This is no joke.
She's looking for an oxygen tank to rescue her and not finding one in sight. She fakes a headache at dinner, ordering nothing. He ordered his food though, and her silly old self just couldn't stomach the date anymore and asked him to take her home.
And he did.
Two weeks later, he calls and asks for a second chance, promising to not be Mr. Space Invader. He kept his word.
Three months later, they were madly in love with each other.
Three years down the road, he changes her life completely.
They knew that they were going to spend the rest of their lives together from the moment they fell in love. February 2005, he pulled out an engagement ring, while they were stopped at a traffic light, on her birthday. He didn't say a word, just looked at her. A simple "well, duh!" later, her ring finger was decorated with shiny new bling.
He may not have been who I was expecting, but he certainly has done everything in his power to make my dreams come true. He is my forever love. He is, and forever will be, my Knight in Shining Armor.
For better, for worse, through the uglies, and the beautiful, we are bound to each other for eternity. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
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