Thursday, April 29, 2010

Best Scoop of the Week-The Sun Also Rises

I've looked high. I've looked low. I've looked all over the place, and there's just no one who can beat Laura from Gringation's Blog this week. I mean seriously, she is an American living in a place most of us only dream of visiting. She is soon to be married, and up on the Mexicano slang too. My favorite post though is the one where she learns how to find the right taco. She has a refreshing voice, laced with humor, and she's just a cute as a button to boot. I asked her...

If you were a crayon, what color would you be and why?

I would definitely be a yellow crayon. No question.

In my first apartment in Cancun a few years ago, I decided to paint the walls of my room bright yellow. I toned it down a bit with sheer cream curtains, dark red and brown accents, a straw rug, and dark, rustic wood furniture. It was AMAZING. In Cancun, we keep our windows open 24/7. Walking into that room after a long day at school and interning was a breath of fresh air… the breeze coming in, the playfulness of the colors… *sigh*. It was like instant sunshine.

It's my belief that you cannot be sad around the color yellow. For me, it inspires youth, vitality, happiness and joy. Since it's the opposite of dreary, it immediately takes you to a happy state of mind. Plus the sun is yellow. Everyone loves the sun… right?

Maybe that's why I love living in Cancun. The sun shines almost every day, and I bask in its yellowness every time I walk to the corner store, to grab a taxi, to Starbucks or to a friend's house.

I'd be a yellow crayon because that way I could make people as happy as I am while they're coloring.
You know you wanna check it out.  Gringation's Blog take me away!!

Welcome to the April 30 Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!  We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs.  It is all about sharing and having fun.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:
  • * Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops. 
  • * Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.
  • * Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
  • * Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like
  • * Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
  • * Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

Won't you bloghop with me?

Wave Goodbye

Note: This post is a response to the last one I wrote!

I do not think that I am alone when I say that I have a lot of clothes. It’s okay, I can admit to it but I’m not joining Shopaholics Anonymous any time soon. I DON’T HAVE A PROBLEM, I CAN STOP ANY TIME. As much as I would love to hang on to every single piece of clothing I have ever bought, limited closet space has successfully kept me from becoming one of those creepy compulsive hoarders you see on the Oprah Show. Due to the miracles of the internet fashion blogging community, when I no longer love a piece of clothing I can almost immediately think of someone who would appreciate it and look way more fierce in it than I ever would. Here is a comprehensive list of all the pretty people who have received a little bubble-wrap package from Canada!

Marlena of Self Constructed Freak

Kylie of Nice and Shiny

Tavi of Style Rookie

Belle of Fashion Pirates

The Stylish Wanderer

Writers Workshop-The Unlikely Hero

This week I am finally, FINALLY, participating in MamaKat's Writers Workshop. Are you in need of a muse too? Head on over there, choose your prompt and write what comes to mind. I did.

I chose prompt #4.

The world around me is so very quiet. It's so quiet, I can hear the soft padding of the field mice as they scamper through the grass. The whole world hangs on a breath, waiting. Just waiting.

Waiting for me to catch on. They tell me the fate of the whole world rests in my hands, but I don't believe it. It's impossible. I was born to a lowly innkeeper. I am plain and average in every way. I have accelerated at nothing. My friends tend to laugh at me often. I can never seem to remain on my feet. I think I have had more bruises in my short lifetime then Rocky Balboa in a boxing ring. So how could the fate of the whole world rest on me? It can't. It just can't.

It's not like I have a really difficult decision to make either. I have a role to play in the "Saving of the world" as we know it, but I have to figure it all out on my own. They didn't even spare me a clue. Not even one.

Perhaps I should back up a little and give you the Cliff notes version on what's happening today. Maybe YOU can help ME figure out what to do. What say you?

Twenty years ago, a baby was born with a gray shadow on his knee. It's been said through the years, that when this infant is born, it is the beginning of the end. The baby has grown. He's lived in riches, he's lived in rags. He has experienced all facets of life, but still, he has decided that everyone must die unless he finds the famed Ruby Amulet worn by his forefathers in ages past. No one knows where this Ruby Amulet is. It is said that whomever wears the Ruby Amulet is consumed by greed and evil. No good can come of it. It is also said that this baby's father, the most evil man to ever live, will come back from the Spirit world to conquer the lands he once controlled long ago because of this amulet.

Spies were dispatched to find this amulet, buried and hidden by the priests long ago. Legends began circulating that there was one person who could wear the amulet with no adverse affects, and restore peace and order to the universe. This person must be pure of heart.

And so the search began.

About a year ago, rumors that the amulet had surfaced began. It's been said that a small boy possesses the amulet, given to him by his mother at birth, just before she passed. The evil king's henchman have been hunting up and down the countryside trying to find this boy and bring him before the king. He has been cleverly hidden until now.

Ahead of him still lies the hardest part of his journey. He must travel to the valley and stand in the very lowest center of the world and return it to the earth, where it really belongs. He's been lucky so far, using the magic stones and potions people give him along his way. He had to stop somewhere though, and it was just my luck that he would stop at my humble doorstep. Somehow, the amulet began glowing and I was told that I would be a great asset to the saving of the world. How I am to do this still remains a mystery.

I thought (hoped) maybe it was because I gave him food and shelter, but I was wrong. I really must figure this out because the henchman are getting closer. I can hear the sound of the metal hooves pounding on the soft earth, making the earth cry out with tears of pain. The ground from this point on only gets rougher. No one has survived the desolate barren place that lies before the boy. He MUST go on. If only he could fly....oh! I've got it!!

I must hurry. But, it has to be perfect. Quick and perfect, that's the key.

I sat down before the town's only artist, sitting behind me with a needle and ink. He stabs my skin carefully, tracing fine lines of hot stings across my spine, my shoulders, my lower back. The more he works, the less pain I feel as my body begins to adjust to the feeling of pain that is encapsulating my back. I must do this though. The stories are right. The boy must have wings.

He is finished. Tears roll from his eyes as he admires his work. Flashes of yellows, pinks and blues I catch in the mirror behind me. The colors rise from my back, and I feel a short blast of pain, as my wings unfold from my back. My gorgeous tattoo. The wings that will fly the boy across the barren wasteland. The wings that will save the world in all their golden, shimmery butterfly beauty.

Wings that will free my soul.

Mama's Losin' It

(P.S. Be sure to stop in tomorrow and find out who gets this week's Best Scoop of the Week!!)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-A New Whovillian is in town

Coming soon to a theater near you...
The story Dr. Seuss didn't want you to read:
The Possession of Jellybean Sue Who

For more Wordless/Word Filled Wednesday posts, stop by Seven Clown Circus5 Minutes for Mom or/and Live and Love Out Loud and link up.

Oh No She Didn't Post It Style

I have found a super scary awesome new Tuesday meme called "Oh No S/He didn't Tuesday" sponsored by Kristi over at Live and Love Out Loud. I am still in love with Supah's Post its, so, here goes....
OH NO {S}HE DIDN'T! Small Button

And that was after 2 WHOLE days of making invitations for her!!

Now, what are you waiting for? You know you have some Oh No He Didn't moments to complain about. Link up and share, and enjoy the others. You know you wanna!!

Flattery is Awesome

Though sometimes I like to yammer on about how my style is affected by a severe case of multiple personality disorder, there are common elements that tie my ‘looks’ together. Sequins, Doc Martens and weird sweaters are all things that I wear on a fairly regular basis and it looks like a few of these have managed to catch on to the general population (of fashion bloggers, that is). I’d just like to give a special mention to some super cute bloggers who have created outfits that were partially inspired by my weirdo style.

Xu Box of Happenings in Singsong, wearing a polka dot shirt and cuffed pants.

Gem Fatale wearing sweet floral leggings and a cat-print sweater.

Hope of Pansy Lane wearing a gigantic crazy 80s sweater.

To these lovely ladies, I propose a virtual toast. Who cares about impeccable taste when you’re having a damn good time?!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Guest Blogger-Taking Time to Stop and Smell Life's Coffee

We gave you a little tease on Friday, but now you get the whole deal. Please give a warm Poop welcome to Kelly of The Miller Mix. Take it away, Kelly!
People like to say, "no two children are the same," but you don't really believe that until you experience it yourself. When you have only one child, you liken him to others and keep a mental list of how he's more or less advanced than his peers. You feel your heart swell up when he does something no other child his age is doing, and you start looking up numbers for professional services when he lags behind in some other area. Keeping track of his abilities is a tedious and time-consuming task.

Then you have a second child, and the world as you know it shifts on its axis. Everything's different. You'd heard it would be, but you simply didn't believe it. That list of milestones and achievements starts to seem pretty ridiculous. After all, while you remember the exact moment your older child rolled over for the first time (because it was at least a month before your friend's same-age child did it), you were too busy chasing and entertaining that older child to fully devote your mental energy to cataloging when your second child rocked herself from front to back. And so it goes.

Some might think the general fog that settles in after the second child (and the complete inability to remember which one it was that did that hilarious thing at age 2) is a bad thing, but they'd be wrong. It's called freedom: freedom to laugh at your children's antics instead of writing them down, freedom to enjoy your children's development rather than compare it, freedom to feel pride that these kids -- the ones who depend on you for everything -- are gonna be A-okay. And freedom is a beautiful thing.

Life happens, and I've yet to meet a parent who doesn't lament about how the time is rushing past them. I am so grateful that I've finally realized that the best thing I can do as a parent is bask in the minutes -- whether they seem endless or fleeting -- rather than worry about what they mean and how to make the most of them. My children aren't the same, and they aren't like yours or hers or his. They are their own little selves. Today -- and everyday -- I'll be working on knowing them better and appreciating them for the unique souls they are.

Now if only I could forget that my oldest was potty trained at 18 months as my youngest sits across the room laughing about how she just (purposefully) peed in her pull-up!
Thanks for that reminder, Kelly. And, thanks for stopping by and guest posting on my blog today. Once again, that was Kelly from The Miller Mix. Stop by her blog and share some love!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ugly Lover

Every once in a while, you stumble upon a fascinating day and yesterday definitely lived up to that moniker. I started the day off with an early lunch at a greasy spoon restaurant that was like stepping into a time warp! It was a real 1950s diner (like Wowsville, you guys) and served milkshakes that tasted like chocolate heaven. Then on our way to do some groceries we witnessed a huge crowd of people in animal costumes. Seriously, they were dressed like giraffes, rhinoceros, and every jungle species I can think of! I really wish I had a camera to document it all. After work I ended up going out to a country bar where headbangers were doing heavy metal karaoke. I sang Like A Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan! Then I ate some greasy garlic bread and went to bed feeling completely satisfied with life.

Oh yeah, I guess I should talk about the outfit for a bit? These tights got an awful lot of comments when I wore them. I guess they're weird but they're so perfect for a copy editing/internet nerd like me. The crop top, skirt and tights are American Apparel.

PS: Winner of the Lady Vanderbilt necklace giveaway is Christina from The Story of Wonderful!

Random Poop

Today I sit here ignoring my whiney 2.5 yr old who is mad at me because I took his shoe off, refusing to let me take the other off, and just melting down all together. I think maybe a time out is in order....go grab your popcorn. This is gonna be good.

Ok. I have 2 minutes of peace and quiet. I better be fast....

Look up. Do you see? I have 140 followers, and my FIRST MALE FOLLOWER.  And I checked out his blog too. Do you know, he is funny? And not in that its-a-man-thing-women-wouldn't-understand kinda way either. Maybe he is funny in general since he is a man, and well, men are just funny creatures to start with. Either way, I'm glad he found me because I'm going to enjoy his perspective. A woman can never have enough of that. He even sums up the entire male species in his blog title: Men Are Dumb.

You know, last night I was so excited. I had this whole blog post planned out. Then, I get online this morning, and I see, ta-da!!! My first male follower AND 140 followers now, and got extra excited.

Why did I get so excited last night?

For those who have been following along, you already know about Scooby's speech delay. (For those just joining in, you can catch up here and here.) He's recently had a language explosion though, and while there is still A LOT of Scoobish, there's a little more English, too. There are certain things I have been dying waiting to hear him say. Last night, all on his own, he said the one I have been wanting to hear forever. Can you guess what it is?

"I wub you."

"I wub you". I'm still a puddle on the floor. I don't think they make a mop big enough to clean up the mess that is my melted heart. This is a job Shamwow couldn't even handle.

Who knew those 3 little words spoken from the sweet lips of my little boy would affect me so much? This one moment will be forever in my heart. (Cue in the sound of Nat King Cole's Unforgettable).

Oh, were you wondering about that timeout thing?
No worries. This is the after.

Friday, April 23, 2010


 Last Wednesday, I promoted an etsy site called Sassylicious. She offered to giveaway 2 of her products to ONE lucky reader...

 As promised, at MIDNIGHT, I have closed my very first giveaway. I have gone to, and drawn a number. The winner of the custom made reuseable sandwich bag AND reuseable snack bag is.......(drumroll)
Mr. Thompson and Me
via random,org Number 19 out of 25.
Congratulations to you!! I hope you enjoy your bags!!

There will be another great giveaway in a couple of weeks!! Watch for it!!

And lastly, thanks to everyone who participated. I hope you had as much fun as I did.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Best Scoop of the Week-To Dine or Not to Dine

It's Friday, and you know what that means!! Yep, it's when I feature a special blog.  This week's Best SCOOP of the Week calls her blog The Miller Mix. I have been a fan of her blog since I discovered her just a short time ago when I began blogging. This lady is extra special. She adopted her son, who also has ADHD. She tells a good story, and sometimes even manages to make me think (me? think? Even GC thinks that's an amazing feat!) She never fails to make me laugh, and I must admit her kids are pretty dang cute, too. Here are a couple of reasons why I LOVE her blog....
But what really grabbed my attention was this post...A reminder. This is one strong, courageous woman here. And just to prove it, here's a little taste of Kelly...

I asked her.....
"Which famous/infamous person(s) would you invite to dinner and why?

I’m a girl who’s played it way too safe in life (not counting that six-year span in college and grad school when I went slightly off the rails), so I wouldn’t be able to pass up the opportunity to sit down with someone infamous whose devil-may-care behavior might rub off on me.

So of course I’d have to sit down to dinner with Lady Gaga, right? How could I not? I’d show up in my mom-of-two capris with my four-years-out-of-style flip flops and a bedazzled Lane Bryant tank top. She’d show up in a tight gold knit jumpsuit that covered her entire face and head. I’d order a grilled chicken salad with no onions and light dressing on the side. She’d order nothing but seltzer water with lots of lemon. I’d drip dressing down my shirt. She’d raise her eyebrows while slowly squeezing more lemon into her glass.
But we’d talk. About gender and race and class. About being an overt sexual non-conformist who gets a thrill out of turning the tables on the expectations for a pop star. About being a girl and a woman in this world. About raising girls to be strong women — as I am trying to do with my daughter and she is doing indirectly with the millions of young girls across the planet who idolize her.

I’d tell her there are things she can do better. Like eat actual meals and create art for the sole purpose of making her soul sing rather than because it makes money. Mentor young boys and girls to be exactly who they are without shame or guilt. Expose straight-laced middle-aged folks like me to the real, thriving subcultures of our country without exploiting anyone.

And she’d give me a pep talk of my own. She tell me to keep taking better care of myself and that getting off the couch more is definitely a great idea. To take more risks — jump when my mind wants me to curl up, reach when my mind urges me to hold back, and laugh when my mind screams at me to cry. She’d encourage me to write what makes my soul sing and to not care whether anyone ever wanted to read those words.

We’d talk and we’d laugh. And maybe by the end of it we’d dance. I’d pull my grungy wallet out of my 31 bag that I bought specifically to match my frumpy mom outfit, but Gaga would laugh at me and say it’s already taken care of. She’d put her arm around me as we walked out to our cars to go on about our separate lives.

Our disparate lives. Her and me. Learning to take risks for the right reasons and to shine in any light. Our souls singing. Separate, but so much the same. "

I participate in Friday Follow. You should too.

Friday Follow

Welcome to the April 23 Friday Follow celebration hosted by One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!  We invite you to join us every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs.  It is all about sharing and having fun.

Here's how YOU can join the Friday Follow celebration:
  • * Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky below. Only need to add on one blog to be seen on all the blog hops. 
  • * Grab the Friday Follow button and include on your Friday Follow blog post.
  • * Follow the Friday Follow hostesses listed in the first 3 slots.
  • * Follow as many other blogs on the linky as you'd like
  • * Take a moment to comment on the blogs telling them you're from Friday Follow
  • * Follow back when you get a new follower through Friday Follow
 And as you know, I will always follow back!! Happy Friday!!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

 P.S. Last chance to enter my very first giveaway!! Click here for instructions!! Contest ends at MIDNIGHT tonight!

Time of the Season

Hope everyone had a lovely Earth Day 2010! Though it's largely a symbolic 'holiday', its cool to have a day to reflect on how beautiful and wonderful the Earth that sustains us really is. Uh oh, hippie alert! I was going to channel the planet through my outfit by wear a lot of blue and green, but I decided to celebrate by not wearing any pants instead. Actually, I just really felt like taking my new disco shorts for a spin! They are pretty scandalous so I have to wear tights underneath, but that just gives me an excuse to invest in nutty legwear. Win-win situation! Everything I'm wearing is American Apparel (even the shoes), because I had to work today.

Pardon the Dust

The Scoop is getting a makeover.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Light 'em up like an atom bomb

Finally, school has released me from its evil clutches and I am now a free woman! Yes, the last of my exams are over and done with. The weather is great and there is celebrating to do, so I wore my 'Kurtney' t-shirt and managed to hit up 3 different thrift stores today!

The gold 'I' initial necklace is courtesy of Lady Vanderbilt, and I have added it to my ever growing collection of name necklaces! If you would like a Lady Vanderbilt necklace of your own just comment with your name and email address and I will pick a random winner in the next few days.

This was the fruits of my thrifting trip: two weird sweaters for my collection, and the cutest book I have ever seen!