welcome back Lindsey from
Dishwater Dreams to The Scoop on Poop today. She is here with a fabulous guest post on what she would do different if she were to start her blog all over again. She closes out my
BLOGOVERSARY GIVEAWAY with style. Today is your
LAST CHANCE to enter the giveaway which has a $15 Starbucks gift card, a $10 Amazon gift card, Ad space at the top of my sidebar for a month, and your choice of package at Genie Girl Graphics, all going to ONE LUCKY WINNER, just for following the rules and leaving lots of comment love over the past week.
Giveaway ends at midnight, EST. What are you waiting for? Read the guest post, enter the giveaway, go check out guest poster's blog. It's easy peasy.
Take it away, Lindsey!!

If I could start my blog all over again, I would make two major changes.
1. I would have a clear direction. When I first started blogging two years ago, I started because I wanted to write. While one of the best reasons to start a blog, it didn’t help much with the actual business of running a blog. Two years later, a new URL, and thousands of hours reading blogs, I can say I finally have a direction I am heading towards.2. I would have done a lot more research into blog design and taken the time to create a professional layout from the beginning. When I first started blogging, I began with a free template and no graphics to separate my blog from the pack. Over the last two years, I have tried to learn a lot about blog design. I have not hired anyone to create the blog design for me. I have done it all myself. It has been an experience that isn’t for the faint of heart, but rewarding. I can make changes when I want to and not on someone else’s time table.
The best advice I can give to bloggers out there is to read, read, read. While you are reading, don’t forget to look at the organization and layout of your favorite blogs. There is a reason the successful blogs are successful. Take the time and learn from them.
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