Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ding! Ding! Ding!! Winner! Winner!!

Last Thursday, I told you what I would do if I were given a million dollars. One of the things I said I would do was buy a bookstore. I would stock it full of books, including My Brother is a Little Different by Tammy Parker Cox. Then, I told you that she was giving away a downloadable copy of her super fabulous awesome book.

I asked you to simply leave me comments telling me about the special children in your life. We had such wonderful responses, and while I wish that we could give each person who responded a copy of the book, has chosen one lucky winner.

According to, the comment that wins the book is......................................................#2!!

The very memorable and honorable Sequoya Willis is the winner!! Woot Woot!! Please send me an email so I can get your information to Tammy!!

Thank you so much for your participation. I send you much love, and extra kisses to those special children in your lives.

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