Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Drama Mama Takes On Motherhood

"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids." ~Unknown

Motherhood took her time in coming, but she finally arrived (oh like 11 years ago, but you knew I meant that, right?). As much as I might wish when I wake up some mornings that it was just lil ol me again, I have reminders all through the day....

I know I'm a mom because...

--these pesky little people keep following me around and calling me mom.
No, for reals. No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to shake them. No matter where I hide, they always find me. No matter how many doors I lock in a desperate escape, they get through them. No matter how many times I tell them my name is not  Mommy anymore, they still insist on singing it...over and over and over and over and over again.

I know I'm a mom because...

--I can no longer count the gray hairs on my head.
Yep. I have to admit that I kind of like them though. I wear rose colored glasses and call them "highlights". Allow me my fantasty for just a while longer, mmmkay?

I know I'm a mom because...

--No matter how much sleep I get, I'm still tired.
Well, that, and the fact that no matter how often I clean my house there's always something to remind me that they exist.

I know I'm a mom because...

--I am loved.
I get hugs and kisses before bedtime and "I miss you when I seepin'"s. I hear "Mom is awesome"s and "Mommy I love you"s scattered throughout my day. I hear the patter of little feet running across the room chasing tears just because no one else can "Kiss my boo boo and make it all better" like Mommy can.

I know I'm a mom because...

--I get yelled at, disrespected, and disobeyed.
They say children are on their best behavior everywhere but home, so I just HAVE to be home. Even on vacation, it seems I never leave "home".

I know I'm a mom because...

--I can step out of the house in a t-shirt and sweats sans makeup and no one bats an eye. Could it be people just don't care or could it be the kid hanging off of me that gives people a clue?

I know I'm a mom because...

--At the end of the day, no matter what the day was like, I can breathe a happy sigh of satisfaction knowing that my life is rich and full, those little aliens that call me Mom have full bellies and warm beds, and I sit back, admiring my messy kitchen and say, "It is good."

And that? is what motherhood is all about.

(all pictures in this post are the sole property of The Scoop on Poop)
How do you know you are a mom? 
Happy Mother's Day!!

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