Thursday, May 13, 2010

Writers Workshop-Le Brassiere

Mama's Losin' It

4.) Write a 20-line poem (rhyming or non-rhyming) dedicated to your favorite piece of clothing (could be a shirt, hat, shoes, etc.).

Oh my dear over the shoulder boulder holder
What would I ever do without you?
You keep my girls forever perky,
My belly smaller,
And my husband fonder.

You are even kind to my family,
Giving a secret hidey hole
For storing cars and trucks
Freeing up small hands
For giving Grandma hugs and kisses.

You are useful for so many things,
Like holding my cash, keys, and credit cards
The occasion peas (and carrots!) too
You are my new BFF
I've so come to rely on you.

You stand so firm and upright after washing
Offering such wonderful support
Truly a woman's dream-
I can be sincere when I say
I have never had another quite like you.

Yesterday, I offered a very special giveaway to offer my support to Monkey during Mission Monkey. Please take a moment to read this post, and enter the giveaway. It would mean the world to one mom and one little girl. Also, please stop in tomorrow when I feature a very special blog about the life of a courageous mom dealing with her youngest son having a disorder called PWS (Prader-Willi Syndrome). You don't want to miss it.


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