Monday, December 20, 2010

A List Like No Other

Ever wondered what a drama mama's Christmas wish list would look like? You are in luck, because today, I am sharing that list with you. I will even include my address at the bottom so you can start stalking me fulfilling my wishes, too. ;)

1. The Drama Mama wants an iMac. My poor HP Pavilion PC is still chugging along and it's been faithful, but I still want something better.

2. The Drama Mama wants an entirely new living room. I'm talking new couch, even though mine is only 2 years old (and even the dog has gotten in on the couch destroying action)--and this couch will have connected pillows and it will be black--, a Toshiba Regza 40" LCD flat panel TV, complete with a corner TV stand, a casual chair though I could never replace my grandmother's recliner, and a matching coffee/end table set.

3. The Drama Mama wants some new books to read. I even asked my mom for a bookstore gift card so I can pick and choose to my heart's content. Do I have any specific books in mind? Hmmm....No, but I do want to read more from some of the authors I have recently discovered.

4. The Drama Mama wants a momcation. Please give me a whole weekend to myself, leave me lots of money to do whatever I want to. Donations accepted at the bottom of this post. All we have to do is convince GC to take JB and SD with him when he goes to see his older boys in the very near future.

5. The Drama Mama wants the CD player in her van fixed. It doesn't matter that I shoved a perfectly good Black Eyed Peas "The E.N.D." CD in it when there was already one in there. What matters is that I need that CD back, and to be able to play it at whim whenever I am in the van. All that gibberish about traffic and weather on the radio disturbs my chakras. Give me some BEP or give me death! Ok, we can include Carrie Underwood and Maroon 5 in that mix.

6. The Drama Mama wants to be on TV. That stint on America's Most Wanted didn't count, plus it showed my bad side. Anyone want to recommend me for a makeover? I still look pretty young, maybe I could pass for a Teen Mom? Oh wait. I've got it...Intervention. Yeah, because well, I need it for my addiction to pasta. I'm a carboholic diabetic. Enough said.

You know what I really want though? Even more then a hot body and a gorgeous face?

7. The Drama Mama wants all of you to have a WONDERFUL holiday too. Take a moment to breathe and look around. Soak in the sights, relish in the excitement, and look at the world from a child's point of view. 

I'm not sure how much posting I will do this week, and while I am taking a week off from 2 Truths and a Lie, I can promise you a delectable treat for Christmas Eve when Kelley's Breakroom stops in with a special post just for us. Thursday has a special treat (for me anyway) that you (and I!) don't want to miss. 

from my family to yours.

Please send all donations to:
The Drama Mama Wishlist
123 ABC Way
Ilivehere, Va. 98765

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