Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Beautiful Wallpapers With Calendars For December - Free Download
Something in you dies.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Spider-Man Turn Off the Dark Hits Broadway

Director Julie Taymor (Across the Universe and The Lion King on Broadway) and Bono are crazy. The Spider-Man musical has been nine years in the making and still isn't ready. With mixed reviews for Sunday's preview, the show that has been delayed for several months now is going all out. Fingers crossed that no one dies!
11.30 song of the day
make that beats*
Anne Hathaway and James Franco to Host Oscars: Love and Other Rock Climbing?

The 83rd Academy Awards will take place on Sunday, Feb. 27, 2011.
Leslie Nielsen: 'Airplane!' and 'Naked Gun' dies at 84
Guest Blog: P-Jammie Good Time
Turkey has been eaten, cleaned up, and eaten again. Shopping has begun, wrapping isn't too far away, and the never-ending quest for the "perfect" gift has started. It's officially the Christmas season.
Lines will be getting longer, patience will be getting shorter and time will seem like it is literally flying by. In 4 short weeks, we will be unwrapping all the wrapped, exchanging all the ugly, and dieting from all the indulging, but until's the season to eat, drink and be merry!
For some, Christmas may be about the long lines and traffic jams, but for others its about the time spent with family and the memories being made. For me, it's about Christmas traditions. It's about the cookies and breads baking in the oven, the family gatherings, the names being pulled, the ornaments hanging on the tree, and the trips to visit Santa. For me, Christmas is about Christmas jammies.
Growing up I would often ask my mom about the things her and brothers and sisters did around Christmas. I wanted to know what traditions stayed the same, and what ones were new and different. One of my fondest memories is of her recollection of Christmas jammies; new pajamas given on Christmas Eve for her and her siblings to wear to bed and open their presents in in the morning.
My mom had 7 brothers and sisters, so this was no small task for my grandmother. I love the idea of her out shopping for toys and games, but also keeping her eye out for the perfect pair of pajamas to match each of her children's personalities and tastes. I know she started this tradition for the logical purpose of having all of her kids wearing nice, clean, new pajamas for Christmas morning pictures, but for me it always symbolized a tradition, and one that I wanted to carry on with my children.
So, I went out this year and bought my son his (second) pair of traditional Christmas jammies. I really wanted to go all out and buy my husband and myself a pair too, but I don't know how I would honestly be able to pull off the striped stretch pant myself, and I can't see my hubby sportin' the reindeer top with a smile we'll stick with the "kid" for now.
I picked out this pair with the same purpose my grandmother did all those years ago. I picked them out with him in mind- which explains the purchase of a size bigger (he's a little running back). I know that in the millions of pictures I take on Christmas morning, my son will be wearing silly reindeer pajamas, that will no doubt haunt me later as I bring these photos out to show him, and hopefully we will all be wearing smiles on our faces as we pass on a favorite family tradition- Christmas jammies!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
So, I thrifted this goth tuxedo shirt ages ago, but haven't worn it until now. The black + asymmetry + ruffles a perfect for goth jams 2010.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
NaNoWriMo: Another Excerpt
Friday, November 26, 2010
'The Godfather:' Movie 1

"Do you know how naive you sound, Michael? Presidents and senators don't have men killed." Kay
"Oh. Who's being naive, Kay?" Michael
Marlon Brando did not memorize most of his lines and read from cue cards during most of the film.
The name of the traditional Sicilian hat (worn, for instance, by Michael's bodyguards) is "coppola."
Director Francis Ford Coppola worked with relatives in this film, (making it a family film in many contexts). In chronological order of appearance:
- his sister Talia Shore portrayed Connie Corleone throughout the trilogy
- his mother Italia Coppola serves as an extra in the restaurant meeting
- his father Carmine Coppola is the piano player in the Mattress sequence
- his sons Gian-Carlo Coppola and Roman Coppola can be seen as extras in the scene where Sonny beats up Carlo, and at the funeral
- and his daughter Sofia Coppola is the baby Michael Rizzi in the baptism (she was three weeks old at the time of shooting).
Don Vito Corleone's distinctive voice was based on real-life mobster Frank Costello. Marlon Brando had seen him on TV during the Kefauver hearings in 1951 and imitated his husky whisper in the film.
This was voted the "Greatest Film of All Time" by Entertainment Weekly.
Just a couple of guys whose names end in vowels
The Meaning of Family, Alternative Thanksgivings and All
Red Writing Hood: The Zoo
BSOW: Carrie Does Black Friday
Happy Friday, y'all. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of good food and family. I've got some ice cream here to share with you with all that leftover pie. And, today's slice of pie is such a fabulous treat, too. She has successfully mastered mom language. She learned the real meaning behind three's a crowd. She's even handled a teething monster without breaking a sweat.
You want some pie, don't you? Yeah, me too. Please welcome Carrie, from a little slice of blog heaven called Meant to Be Mom.
Black Friday shopping is a lot like being a mom; messy, loud, unpredictable, and expensive. We actually pay money to get up at the crack of dawn, sit in traffic, wait in lines and act like savages as we pilfer for the best deals. It is when our animal instincts are most prevalent. Moms have specially trained noses, the kind that comes in handy when sniffing out your child's dirty diaper in a crowd, deciphering between poop and chocolate, and finding the best deals on must-have toys, electronics and a little "something" for ourselves (Oh, I don't know honey, Santa must have left these leather boots for me this year! Wow, and he even knew my size!).
Black Friday shopping is not for the faint of heart. That's why it's much better suited for moms than dads. We could spend hours in a store, looking and deciding between the same two sweaters, only in different colors, where men can run in and out and buy an entirely new wardrobe in 30 minutes flat. Most moms look forward to a shopping date, without their kids, and if that has to happen at 3 am, well so be it. It's not like we're not up anyway! But, if this year is your first time out, here are some tips from a Black Friday Shopping pro...
1. Dress comfortably: This is not the day to pull out all the stops and do crazy things, like shower and apply make-up. Sport the baseball cap and running shoes, ladies. You can thank me later.
2. Set an agenda: Make your lists, check them twice; don't go in unprepared! Do your homework the night before. My family prefers to lay out all of the Black Friday fliers right after the men veg out in front of football and the desserts make their way to the table. We keep the wine a' flowin', the dessert a' comin' and the ideas just sort of come to us. We can sit down having just said, "I have no ideas what to get everyone this year" and an hour into flyer navigating, we have our shopping done! The key to success is a well-thought out plan. Try and get the most bang for your buck- so start where you know you'll get the most items checked off your list. For me, this tends to be Kohl's, Target or Lowe's.
3. Keep an eye on the clock: Check the sale times. Many Black Friday sales end between noon and 2. Don't plan for the babysitter to come over "around 10", because you will not make it! Black Friday is for the early risers- rain or shine.
I hope you find these tips helpful! Black Friday was always my favorite day of the shopping year, and now as I watch my little guy grow more each day, I am really looking forward to the year when I can go out and buy him a bike to have under the tree. Face it people- Santa doesn't work alone, and if it weren't for Black Friday, I just don't know how those elves would get it all done in time :-) Happy Shopping!!!
Don't forget to come back on Monday for a fabulous guest post from Carrie. Have a fantastic holiday weekend!!