Thursday, January 27, 2011

BSOW: 3 Days

I'm sharing the ice cream this week with someone who started her blog because she wanted to do 36 things by her 37th birthday and wanted a place to journal it. She seems like she is having a blast too! Her cute little blog is called 36x37, and she's got it going on. She has completed 26 of her 36 projects. She has a hard time saying no, especially to her two gorgeous little boys. She's calm in the face of failure. She had 10 questions to ask her mom, her take on Book clubs, she's got the dibs on superheroes. She considers her dad a better storyteller than CS Lewis.

Please welcome Maura of 36x37 this week.

BWS tips button

I asked Maura "If you only had 3 days left to live, what would you do with them?"

Her answer...

I'd travel. I'd cash in the 401k, pluck my sons from school, and together we'd travel as a family. Forget Italy, England and France, though--we'd visit places I probably never would have seen had I been granted a longer life. We'd fly to Morocco. Taiwan. Vietnam. Egypt. Saskatchewan. Iceland. We would witness cultures most Westerners only read about, and we'd do it all by Concord jet. Go big or go broke.

I'd like to say I'd donate my remaining funds to a worthy cause. Realistically, though, I'd set up a trust to make sure my sons could go to college, then go on to make a positive impact to society. Cure cancer. Establish world peace. Discover a way to work and nap simultaneously, because honestly, how nice would that be?

What would you do if you only had 3 days to live?

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