Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Good Reads

Oh Friday, I re-introduced you to Missy, from 4 Little Monkeys, and told you about her new special needs support blog called Parent Warriors. I did not ask her for a guest post, so instead, I'm going to help promote the official launching of her new site. She's going to be running some giveaways over the next few weeks, so you really should stop in and see what its all about. Tell your mom friends parenting those children who are a little more unique than others about Parent Warriors, and let's get some support going!

What are you waiting for? Run on over right now and check out her very first giveaway, only available for 7 days. Tweet about it so your friends hear about it. Let's get the word out!!

BWS tips button

(PS. The blog was designed by me!!)

And for a literary review....

What happens when you live to be 105 and no one in your family bothers to visit you? You haunt the one that needs you most....

I'm a new fan of Sophie Kinsella and after hearing a bad review of this book, I had hesitation reading it. Oh, but I loved it. I laughed all the way through it. Her descriptions are vivid and colorful, and I truly felt like I was hanging out with Lara and Sadie, who are a couple of fun chicks to hang out with!! There's romance between the ghost and a living man. There's betrayal, love, and most of all, self discovery. 

I give this tale 4 stars and recommend that if you haven't read it, you place it on your MUST READ list today.

 On Thursday, I have my VERY FIRST PR & Giveaway for you!!! I'm so excited!! Woot Woot!!

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