Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back to School Movies

With my last Spring semester in college starting tomorrow, I felt the need to splurge so I dug through the $5 bin at Walmart and purchased what I feel to be the most school-appropriate film out there: Billy Madison. Probably the climax of Adam Sandler's career and a personal mile-marker of when I started thinking that "stupid" humor was hilarious. For those of you who think you are above it or have never been blessed with the privilege of viewing this masterpiece, Billy Madison is about the idiotic son of a millionaire who is trying to save his father's company and is forced to go back to school. It has created such classic lines as: "If peeing in your pants is cool, than consider me Miles Davis".... and "T-t-t-t-today junior!" It also involves an imaginary penguin, and if that doesn't convince you, then I don't know what will.

Other great back to school movies include Harry Potters 1-6 (except your school will never live up to Hogwarts so this may feel depressing), High School Musicals 1 and 3 (because 2 takes place on summer vacation), Clueless, School of Rock, Mean Girls, Ferris Buller's Day Off (if you're already ready to skip) and the under-appreciated Orange County. Do you guys have any other favorites?

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