Thursday, January 13, 2011

2011 Best Eye Ranking, Pre-season top 5

- Men love lists (women love attention)
- Celebrities only (frame of reference thing, duh)
- Faces NOT weighted (tougher than you think so watch your mouth)

5. Abbie Cornish - "honey"

4. Alexis Bledel - is bluer a word? It is now. Her eye color is "bluer."

3. Jennifer Connelly - boy are those big eyebrows. Yeah but still!!!!!!

2. Vanessa sex Hudgens - the first girl on the list I'd like to mount. The red-browns (almost went with Chris Paul that wouldn't have been gay..not at all).

1. Charlize Theron - in the words of Pvt. Hudson (Bill Paxton's greatest role), "That's it man. Game Over Mannnnnnn. Game Over!"

Honorable Mention *hotter in real-life than you might think special*:

Kate Bosworth & Mila Kunis - 1/2 points each for obvious reasons

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