Saturday, July 30, 2011

Actresses Deny 'Sex and the City' Prequel

Well this is just a never-ending parade of rumors and denial. After Blake Lively denied that she would play Carrie Bradshaw in a Sex and the City prequel, the British tabloid the Daily Mail claimed that Lively would instead play Samantha Jones while Elizabeth Olsen would play Carrie, Selena Gomez would play Charlotte and Emma Roberts would play Miranda.

However, since that report came out representatives of Lively, Roberts and Olsen have all denied the claim saying there is "no truth" in it. And Gomez's rep says that it's nothing more than a "rumor."

Sarah Jessica Parker herself has always been against a prequel film stating, "I don't think we can pretend to go back. It's creating two histories. It's like, 'Oh, I didn't know that about Carrie Bradshaw.' I'd definitely tell that [third] story, and I know Michael would do it right. But maybe not now. Maybe in five years, you know?"

I too think there should be a third film and that it should include the original cast members. I felt that the second film didn't include enough of the city — one of the main elements holding the series together. It was like High School Musical 2, if you will. Why would you set something called High School Musical, in the summer when high school isn't in session? Why would you set something called Sex and the City (indicating New York City), in Abu Dhabi?

What do you think? Prequel? Sequel? Or forget about it?

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