Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Emma Watson to Star in 'Beauty and the Beast' Adaptation

It seems Ron Weasley isn't the only one noticing Hermione's beauty these days. It has recently been announced that the 21-year-old actress will star as Belle in Guillermo del Toro's Beauty and the Beast. The famous producer and director of Pan's Labyrinth is currently producing an adaptation of Pinocchio and seems to be on a Disney kick.

The role will be Watson's first lead since the Harry Potter series ended though she will also take part in The Perks of Being a Wallflower and My Week With Marilyn both set to come out next year.
Watson was recently quoted as saying:

"I feel like young girls are told they have to be this kind of princess and be all this sweet stuff. It's all bull***t. I identify with more of being a warrior princess, so if I had to be a princess, I'd have to kick some ass first. That would have a lot of people terrified."

Atta girl Emma! I personally can't wait to see this adaptation. What do you think? Worthy of Ms. Watson's time?

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