Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter's Best Villain

The Harry Potter series is about good versus evil. Some characters that you think are evil turn out to be good (and vice versa). However, in my opinion there is one character who stands out above all others in the series as being the most evil. No, it's not the Dark Lord himself. Or even my girl Bellatrix. It is the sickly, sugary sweet Professor Umbridge. Every word she says is spoken in a syrupy tone that makes her vicious words that much worse. While watching HP 3 & 4 last night with friends, we debated the "Best Villain" category. They were convinced that Rita Skeeter, the gossip-hungry reporter, was the worst. I, however, find her to be more of a comic relief. Umbridge takes to actually torturing students and heads up the hunt for Muggleborns. She's like Hogwarts' Hitler. What do you guys think? Is there someone worse?

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