Friday, July 29, 2011

'Avengers' Teaser Clip

Captain America is definitely on my list of films to see soon, but last night I saw Thor for the first time and started hunting for some Avengers clips. Here's one explaining the time jump between the WWII Captain America and the somewhat-modern day superheros. I'm really excited. I also hope they give Jeremy Renner his own film as Hawkeye.

Considering I have a strong dislike of Scarlett Johansson and almost every one of her roles, I don't think she needs her own film. I like how many of these comic book movies overlap like showing Renner briefly in Thor and Agent Coulson asking if the giant robot destroyer in Thor was "one of Stark's."

I'm really excited about this new film. It's set to come out May 4, 2012. Will you go see it?

CLICK HERE for some more Avengers footage.
CLICK HERE for Avengers concept art.

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