Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Roundup gets caught up Summer 2011

Hey it's been a while.
First, sorry.
Second, there is no second.

I have been doing the tumblr. thing at Tyler Kahl Nude.
Yeah so the name still needs work.
But the content's good.
Don't look at gift horses teeth for Godsakes.

I also have been doing the doppelganger thing at Dopp
I credit my pal Logan with that stylized presentation by the way.

Anyway, I feel like the the Unplugged has been getting a little left in the dirt.

I am going to try very very hard to do weekly updates here.
Mainly about pictures, videos, movies and writing I like.
Quite honestly Facebook gets most of that love I can't help myself when I know that there's a built in audience and that my self important musings may make it to more eyes faster. The other side of that coin is that maybe, just maybe, no one wants my musings to be showing up on their Facebook. But then again it's either that or one of these guys: "bitches is this town gonna be bitches" or "out with him" or my personal favorite "send prayers to my dying Grammy".

That's it for the self-soliloquy I promise.

Down to business.
I haven't done one of these since March 2nd. Holy moly.
Ahem, holy shit.

Some things I saved since then.

4 at a time, I'll be gentle:

This is Mom's garden. She would want you to see it. I think. But she doesn't have a blog, so there it is.
I don't know much about gardening but I know about things that are pretty. And that garden's pretty.

I loved this picture until everyone started dissecting it like a damn science experiment. Sometimes I just want to look at the picture without knowing any Goddamn back story. Most of the time it's better that way. Just like anything else in life.

Pretty sure I got this one from Me In My Place but like I said it's been a while.
Not to sound xenophobic but Indians are ornery little critters aren't they.

I don't forget where I got this one.
It's from the Ed.
He's the greatest.

4 at a time. I'll have some more next week, promise.
I implore you to watch 2 of the 4, urge you to watch 1, and nonchalant about the other.
Do your own math as to which is which.

Claire Danes is one of my off-the-grid favorite actresses.
But I think Leo's prettier.

Knowing what women wanted is something that Ace Carolla would say sounds better than it is.
It'd be like watching a DVR'd basketball game that you know the ending to.
On the other hand, I'd have 93 percent of my life back.
I love Mel Gibson though even in a female movie like this. He didn't become a movie star by accident. But he did kind of stop being one by accident.

Watching the venerable Meryl Streep speak of someone with that sort of reverence says everything you need to know.

Probably the pound for pound funniest movie I've ever seen.

4 more:

Homosexual Schmomosexual
I love Alison Brie.
And not  in a friendly way.

The Apostate: Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology
Pin your ears back.
This is the writing equivalent of what Daniel Day Lewis does to become a character like Bill the Butcher.

15 Most Popular Auto Corrects from April 2011
You'll spit your milk.
Through your nose.

Star Wars Lego Spaceship
I'm a nerd just like Chris Hardwick
Just way less cool.

Video Clips
Final 4.
I like animals.
I do advertise for the Daily puppy. It's not all cheekbones and racist jokes around here you know:

That will cure a bad day.

Sounds to me like he's teaching a class on how to be a Tiger mom.

Jimmy Kimmel.

That's my favorite clip of the year. I mean that without a shred of insincerity.

In other news I got a job as my acting coach's assistant.
And I was on a podcast that wasn't mine: Save It For Air

Thank you.

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