Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Never been afraid of any deviation.

Right as I was taking this picture, some random guy walked by and gave me a funny look. Notice how I am responding with squinty eyes. Akward! So I felt compelled to take another picture, though admittedly its equally ridiculous.

Today is gloomy and awful and I have a statistics midterm that I cannot be bothered to study for (suffering from the "math is not my best subject so why even try?" mentality. Stats is mandatory for my program, no I am not masochistic) so I thought I should "mix it up" with clashing patterns. Tie-dye scarf, grandpa cardigan and leopard jeans? Mmmyesplease.

Does anyone watch Freaks and Geeks? I'm almost through youtubing the first (and only!) season and its probably the most entertaining television show I've ever seen. Joan Jett has permanently been stuck in my head since I started watching. Oh, and the best character is Bill. I just want to be his friend!

P.S.- I know someone posted this already, but Stam is totally killing it in this editorial.

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