Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2 Truths & a Lie Thursday-The Name Game

Welcome! Tell 2 truths and a lie and make us guess which is the lie. 
You've played this game before, so why not join The Scoop on Poop and CA Girl every Thursday by:
  1. Grabbing the handy little button on the sidebar
  2. Posting your 2 truths and a lie
  3. Link up
  4. Reveal your lie the next week!
  5. Visit others who link up and leave a comment guessing their lie.
It's that easy!! You know you want to play!! Link up today!!

Last weeks fact or fiction: 

1. I am adopted
TRUE: My bio dad died when I was 3 and my mom remarried. He adopted me when I was six. 
2. I can't hear but I sing karaoke anyway
TRUE: I have a progressive hearing loss that has allowed me to continue to sing. All my songs are very old because those are the ones I've practiced. I haven't been in years, though.

3. I speak Dutch, Spanish, and English and can read in German, thanks to my grandmothers.
LIE: I am obviously fluent in English, but I can only read Spanish. I have never spoken Dutch, and my German grandmother used to translate the letters from her family for me.

2 Truths & a Lie by The Drama Mama
  • 1. I was voted Most Likely to Succeed as a HS Senior.
  • 2. My husbands birthdays are 2 years and a day apart.
  • 3. I have dated 5 men with the same first name. I married 2 of them.
Which is the lie and which are the true stories?

Link up and play today!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-Happy Ending

My day yesterday may have been busy, but it definitely ended on a gorgeous note. They are hard to see, but there are black cows grazing in the field. Scooby and I watched from the parking lot of the church across the street as a church member had to round up a stray cow who really believed the grass was greener on the other side.

Yesterday's crisis has been resolved and life goes back to normal, at least until Friday. Friday my home will be invaded by GC's oldest stepdaughter and her 2 children (4 and 1). They are going to move back to her mom's house, which is where GC is heading for the holiday weekend (to see fireworks with his boys for the first time in 4 years), and hitching a ride with GC.

If you don't hear from me by Monday, send in the troops.

For more Wordless/Wordful Wednesday posts, you should hop on over to:

P.S. Are you looking for something to bring to that July 4th pool party? Look no more. 
Visit my cooking blog, Kitchen Smack.


I am utterly exhausted from working all day every day but there is so much planned for the week ahead! Tomorrow I am going to a MEN concert and then next Monday none other than Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is visiting my town! I am a huge fan of the Queen (adoring the British Royalty seems to run in the family) and would love nothing more than to shake her hand! Any suggestions on what I should wear while I attempt to meet/stalk her Royal Highness?


Hahaha. Shell from Things I Can't Say would understand this one. POS means Prisoner of Summer. That is exactly me right now. I am fly by posting this as it is.
My release date is Sept 7, 2010, but you get the idea. (this is shell's button)

:( My apologies to Kristi for not doing Oh No He Didn't. I had some good stuff, but I have a family crisis that takes priority. I love y'all and I know you will understand. I will try to keep up, but this next week may be kind of hectic.


Monday, June 28, 2010

The Stylish and Versatile Blogger (Go Me!!)

I am going to take today to accept and pass along 2 awards that have been generously passed along to me....

My first award comes from Blogaholic Designs. Let me tell you, I was so very flattered to receive this award. As some of you know, I am working on designing, and since I did the entire layout, etc for my blog, this was a HUGE compliment. She's got some fabulous freebies at her site as well, so go on over and check her out and get some bling for your blog. Seriously. As part of the first requirement for accepting the award, I give many, many thanks to Blogaholic Designs.

I have to tell you 5 things about me that you don't already know, but I'm running out of secrets, so I'll get back to that in a minute with my other award. I'm just going to pass this one along to 5 blogs that I find stylish...

I'm a Versatile Blogger because Mommy of One...And Counting said so! Thank you for the award!! Woot Woot! It's fun to discover new blogs and make new friends who think as much of your blog and you do theirs, so this is really such an honor. 

Since I skipped out on the 5 things you don't know about me for the Stylish Blogger award, I'm supposed to list 7 things you don't know about me here. I will list as many as I can think of.

1. I am in the periomenopause stage.
2. This means I get to be a raging beyotch and get away with it.
3. I have PMS 24/7/365.
4. I love watching the old ABC Family sitcoms in reruns.
5. I don't watch much tv.
6. I don't read the news
7. I am a night owl.

And now, I need to pass this on to 7 newly discovered blogs....

Now I'm off to let these 12 fabulous bloggers know they've won. Enjoy the blog hopping today. It will be worth ignoring your kids for, I promise. 

Is it September yet?

Kristen Stewart LOOKS

Actress Kristen Stewart arrives at the premiere of Summit Entertainment's "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" during the 2010 Los Angeles Film Festival at Nokia Theatre L.A. Live on June 24, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
document.write(localMDY('June 23, 2010 16:00'));
June 23, 2010
2010-06-23 16:00:00 - Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images North America

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Robert Pattinson: Kristen Stewart is the 'Most Honest and Genuine Person'

So, we'll probably never know if Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart  are or were an item -- though he does talk about her more openly these days, and clearly holds his co-star in high esteem. Still, there's never a clear answer to the burning question, so it seems like we'll all have to settle for an educated guess.
From what the Twilight stars says, however, these two are very close and

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hugh Jackman White Teeth

I think its fair to say that every woman finds a nice bright white smile desirable and welcoming, perhaps this is why Hugh Jackman is so irresistible to the ladies.

Now if only i knew what type of teeth whitening product Hugh Jackman uses, I'd have the ladies at my fingertips.

Colour Bars

Yesterday I took on the gargantuan task of NOT looking like a cheap goth in my black lace dress. Stretchy black lace is usually best left to reruns of the 90s show Charmed, but I like it a lot and wanted to give it a new lease on life. So I paired it with brown vintage t-strap shoes and a flowery headband. This is also the most form fitting outfit I think I have ever worn in my entire life.

I also found the time to do some thrifting this week! Everything I unearthed from the depths of Value Village had an awesome print on it. Soon I will not be able to match a single piece in my entire wardrobe.

Finally found a sunflower dress! It really needs to be hemmed but I adore it.

The bow shirt is Dian Von Furstenburg and cost me $7.99! What a deal! It's about ten sizes too big though.

Preppy florals.

Grunge florals.

David Bowie shirt! Maybe I'll turn it into a crop top?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Guest Blog: Google & Birthdays

Today I have a guest. You met her yesterday when she told you what kind of car she would be. She's back today to warn you about the dangers of googling.

I hope you remembered to bring the balloons and I've got the cake. It's also her birthday!! Whose birthday you ask?  It's The Girl Next Door Grows Up !!! Happy Birthday!


Never Google Medical Symptoms – Especially Broken Hips 

First I want to say a HUGE thank you to The Drama Mama for asking me to be her Scoop of the Week!  

Especially today which is my Birthday!!!

The first time I met Stephanie, a Google Alert was sent to my email telling me that I was linked to a site I had never been to before.  I stopped on by and saw my blog button on her sidebar.  So I read some of her posts, left a few comments and we became friends.
Thank you Google Alerts!

But today I am going to tell you why you should never Google medical symptoms… specifically broken hips.

As my regular readers know, I have a Birthday Curse. 

Bad things happen to me, or people close to me, on or around my birthday.  It just happens and I have come to dread this week.

I wish I was exaggerating.

This week started off great.  On Monday, after a couple of months of computer problems, I fixed my computer all by myself.

I was so excited.  

That same night my daughter, Emily, played a softball game and got hit in her mouth while trying to catch a fly ball.

Good-Bye Tooth.

That wasn’t so bad, since it was a baby tooth and it meant the Tooth Fairy would visit.

We like to find the bright side of things.

Tuesday also started out to be a great day.  It was warm and sunny and I raced around getting all of my chores and shopping done so we could finally swim as it has been raining for days and days.

We put Sarah down for her nap and we hopped into the pool.

It was so much fun!  We played and raced and splished and splashed.

It was when I was straddling a floaty and Emily decided to “overtake” my floaty that the good times went South.

She jumped up, and down came her hard and bony knee with great force, right into my hip bone.

You see, I have a way with words.  If I get hurt, I let the words fly…LOUD.

However, this pain was so great, I could not find any words.  I just sunk right into the water trying to find my leg to stand.

I made it out of the pool and got to a chair.

In hindsight, I feel sorry for poor Emily because I was just sitting in my chair muttering over and over:

“No.  Not now.  I don’t want to be laid up now.  I have things to do.  I want to bike.  I want to play.  No. No No.”

And the pain was so great.  I still couldn’t move.

I texted Tyler and he told me to MOVE.  So I did.

I gingerly changed clothes and then Emily and I went back outside to sit in the shade.  Every movement I made produced pain so I picked up my iPad and Googled, “Broken Hip Symptoms”.

Never do this people.  Never.

In a nutshell there are 2 types of broken hips.  One where you can’t stand and one where you can still walk, but with pain.

But with both types, according to Google, both kinds produced imminent death by pneumonia and other complications which would inevitably lead to death.

So that’s it, I was going to die, for sure.

Again, I texted Tyler:  “Do you think my hip is broken?”
He responded, “Do you think you can still have sex?”

Yes…  I think I can!  

So the moral of this story is if you think you can have sex, you are most likely not going to die.

And, it really helps to have a funny husband to put things into perspective.


Please leave her some love on her blog, wish her a safe and happy birthday, too. Thanks for letting me party with you today, and I really do hope you have a fantastic day, Laura!!
What's the strangest or funniest info you've gotten from googling?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

BSOW: Its a Feel Good Kinda Day

It's Friday!! Woot Woot Woot!!! We survived the week!! Here's a quick recap in case you missed it:

M-I revealed which of the 7 stories was the lie (from my blog party).
T-Scooby had an OH No He Didn't moment.
W-The gorgeous summer sky after a flash storm for a Wordless Wednesday.
Th-The launch of my brand new meme, 2 Truths and a Lie, co-hosted with CA Girl. It was a successful debut thanks to my lovely readers!! YAY!!! Come back next Thursday to play, and see which one was the lie!!!

Woot! Woot!! Woot!!

And you know what? I've had a pretty good month. I think today I will participate in The Girl Next Door Grows Up's Feel Good Friday meme, especially considering she is my special guest this week. Woot Woot!! Girl crush live on!!!

Here are 5 things that make me Feel Good this week (and every week really):

1. I have the best followers in the blogosphere. I really do. Y'all come to my blog, read my poop, let a little splatter on your walls. You leave me a little love. You keep me going.

2. I have a wonderful friend. She's never met me IRL, but she keeps me going when the going is rough. She pats me on the back or brings me back down to earth when I get overwhelmed. She lets me bounce off my creative ideas off of her and she is honest with me about what works and what doesn't. She fully supports everything I do, even if she doesn't think I should do it. It's been a long time since I had a friend like that. I'm so glad you are mine. I can't wait to meet you this summer.

3. My hubs is wonderful to me. He gets up every morning at 4 am, drives 1.5 hours to punch in and works til 5:30 pm, sometimes later. During the day, he sends little text messages like "I'm so in love with you, you can't even begin to understand" or "I miss you". It makes my heart melt. Six years of togetherness and we still feel like we are in love. This is definitely a feel good thing.

4. Jellybean makes me feel good. She is home for the summer (1/2 day at softball camp this week) and despite her problems and our butting heads, she is being as helpful as she can. This makes me feel really good considering it used to be like trying to take a steak from a hungry lion to get her to do anything. There's still resistance, but the willingness is there. She is growing up and I love the little woman she is becoming.

5. My designing is becoming very relaxing. New ideas are flowing, my mind is opening, and this makes me feel good. It gives me purpose, usefulness, and lets me remember the imaginative person I used to be.

Are y'all ready to meet this week's Best Scoop of the Week?

I must tell you that after only reading one very short post of hers, I was hooked. The more I read, the more I fell.

I laugh. I cry. I laugh some more.

My tailbone is really getting sore. I'm going to have to start up a new chair drive so I can have arms on my chair to keep my fat butt in it when reading her posts.

She is seriously funny.

Don't take my word for it though. Just read here, here, here, and here.

She is the genius behind the popular Feel Good Friday meme. Please give a warm welcome to Laura from The Girl Next Door Grows Up.

I was so honored when The Drama Mama asked me to be her Scoop of the Week!  Then I got my question:

“If I were a car, what make and model would I be and why?”

That is kind of a head scratcher, if you ask me.

But then it all became clear…

I would be a ‘57 Chevy.

A Classic.  Good lines. Timeless.

Yet, I was still bothered because it is difficult to define myself by one thing.

I could be a minivan…comfy and practical.

Or a Lexus….filled with luxury.

How about a sports car… always going fast and zooming around?

A VW Beetle?  Quirky and small.

Although, after the week that I have had, I think I could be a Toyota… and I need to be recalled.

In the end, I know what I would be:

I am an Auto Show, filled with all sorts of makes and models.

Plus, Auto Shows always have ice cream.  


Make sure to stop back in tomorrow when she guest posts for me.

Bring some balloons and cupcakes too (because it's her birthday, but shhhh!!)

And no jumping out from behind the sofa yelling "surprise" either. She's got a birthday curse upon her, and we want her whole and in one piece....

Go read her Feel Good Friday post today and leave her some love.

Stop back by and join in the Friday Follow bloghop and make a bunch of new friends.

It's easy.

Just stop by this week's 3 hosts and link up, then start hopping. This week's Friday Follow is hosted by Kmama at The Daily Dribbles, Elizabeth at The Crafty Charlestonian, and Brittany Ciara at Not Your Average Teen. Click the button and see what it's all about!


So, what made you feel good this week? What kind of car would you be?

Kristen Stewart with beautiful Oscar de la Renta`s dress

Kristen Stewart is still touring around Europe to present Eclipse, the latest part of the Twilight series. While in Stockholm, the actress wore an elegant design by Oscar de la Renta. Her shoes are the work of Brian Atwood.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

2 Truths and a Lie Thursday with CA Girl and Me!!

It's a BRAND NEW MEME!! Yes, that's right, and I talked Lourie from CA Girl into co-hosting it with me. Y'all had so much fun reading all about our truths and lies and playing the guessing game, we decided to make it a regular feature. It's easy to play too.

Just grab that handy little button up there. Post 2 truths and a lie. Then link up here or with CA Girl (or both, depending on if it works for us the way we want it to, haha). Stop by some other truth or dare players and make some new friends too!! Then, the next week you play, you can REVEAL your big secret lie. Sound like fun? Well let's get this party started!!!

2 Truths and a Lie by The Drama Mama

  • 1. I am adopted.
  • 2. I can't hear but I sing karaoke anyway.
  • 3. I speak Dutch, Spanish, and English and can read in German, thanks to my grandmothers.

So tell me...which is the lie and which are the truths? 

Solid Gold

Decided to go for the 'modest' look today, so I added lacy petticoat shorts in order to NOT commit the unforgivable sacrilege of wearing leggings as pants. I haven't worn my dear old floral leggings in aaaages so it felt good to break them out again. Of course, I topped it all off with the classic massive band shirt (yay Pixies!) that I pretty much wear every day. The only thing missing from making this exactly like an outfit I would wear in autumn is Doc Martens and some sort of weird cardigan. In other news, there is a very loud fly buzzing around in my room and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY!

Just couldn't resist ending the post with obligatory caps lock.

Testing, 1-2-3

First off, I would like to be honest with all my readers and note that I have started to accept advertising on the blog. In recent months, I've noticed a hell of a lot more 'sponsored posts' on people's blogs and it really bothers me that bloggers are not forthcoming and just letting their blog be swallowed up by advertisments that come out of their own words. Of course, it is every blogger's prerogative to do whatever the hell they want but I do not plan on becoming just another branded mouthpiece. If there is something I have been paid to write about, I am certainly going to tell you. So let the sponsored post commence...
If I was facebook friends with Ugg boots, it would say "In a complicated relationship". I've never liked the plain tan leather boots, but I still harbour a bit of a soft spot for the grey knit boots. I mean, they're kind of cute? I've stopped myself from buying the cheap knockoffs of them so many times. I almost wonder if it's only a matter of time? OH NO!

Just kidding guys. I'll hold out against buying them as long as I can muster, but I'd definitely go for the reasonably priced Whooga boots as opposed to the plain ol' Ugg Australias.

Wordless Wednesday- After the Storm

For more Wordless/Wordful Wednesday posts and to link up, please visit:

See you there!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

PIN/ONHDT Get Your Buzz On


At least his big blue eyes are more noticeable.

So what are you waiting for? You've waited this late, click the buttons at the top and link up your Sticky notes with an Oh No S/He Didn't flair.