Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-Forever Love

This is what forever looks like. And it's grand.
(Thanks to Beautiful Expressions Photography for capturing my forever)

Want to see more wordless/wordful Wednesday posts? Hop on over to Seven Clown Circus and 5 Minutes for Mom to connect with even more Wordless and Wordfilled Wednesday participants. Make sure you link up so others can see your Wordless Wednesday posts too!
Check these out for more great WW posts!
Live and Love Out Loud|A Lot of Loves|Just Jingle|Snips and Snails

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Depend on Me

Schoolwork continues to pummel the life out of me, so here is another ‘outfit dump’. When I look at these pictures of three outfits that I have worn over the past week, I am almost alarmed by how schizophrenic my personal style actually is. The first look I had to wear to work, so everything is American Apparel (for those who asked; yes, AA employees are obliged to wear head-to-toe AA while in the store).

Perhaps I feel oversexed by my job, and so my ‘go-to’ rebellion happens to be dressing like a complete Grandpa. The cardigan, the button-down shirt, the pleated pants and the men’s brogues: androgyny at its weirdest.

The last outfit I wore out to a bar for my friend’s birthday. I was purposefully going for ‘hipster redneck trash’ with the plaid shirt, AA disco pants and FUBAR-inspired crop top.

How is it even possible for one person (namely me) to feel equally comfortable in all of these outfits? I either have multiple personality disorder or am just a really gifted actress.

Date Night=Dinner and a Movie

I still have a hard time believing that GC and I have not only been together for almost 6 years, but that we have been married for one of them. I should say that I am surprised *I* survived the first year of marriage to *him*, but that's another post.

3-29-09. That's the date of our wedding. 1 year ago, yesterday. Go me! I think we can now move safely from the newlywed state to the marital bliss (read: angst) state for the next 50 years.

I had no idea what to do for our first anniversary. GC decided on dinner and a movie, a typical date night. I was even surprised when he picked the movie. He picked a romantic comedy. (yes, I am still reeling from the shock!).

We had a wonderful dinner at an Italian restaurant that has never disappointed us, then proceeded to the movie theater. Now, I must pause here, because in between getting out of the car, into the restaurant, back into the car, and out to the movie theater, he was all hands. You know the type. Groping, probing, copping a feel. The same stuff he did on our VERY.FIRST.DATE that made me never want to see him again. Yep, that's right. GC almost didn't exist (that story is worthy of a post of it's own, though, so you will have to wait for it). We get our tickets and go wait in the concession line.

Mr. Feely is still up to his games as we wait for the concession boy to make our drinks and popcorn. He smacks my butt. Yet again. He knows I absolutely hate that above everything else he could do. To the delight of the concession boy, our conversation went like this:

Me: Stop smacking my butt.
GC: It's mine.
Me: But it's attached to my body. When I am dead, you can stuff it and smack it all you want.

We almost missed the opening credits of the movie because the concession boy almost dropped the popcorn he was making for us. We did manage to make it into the theater without any further mishap.

The best thing about a weeknight anniversary is the theater is almost empty, so you pretty much have the place to yourself. And we did. We chose the best seats. Relaxed. Laughed through the opening trailers. Discussed upcoming movies that we say we will see together (but probably won't because date nights are rare). Then, the lights go out and the movie starts...

The Bounty Hunter. It's a win-win type of movie. Gerard Butler and Jennifer Aniston. Eyecandy for both sexes. It starts off great. Fabulous opening teaser. And keeps right on going. I give this movie 4.5 starts. It's like a Mr and Mrs Smith made into a comedy. There's just enough action to satisfy the man taste, and enough romance going on to satisfy the woman taste. Well acted, great plot, delightful comedy.

I have to admit that this was actually the perfect choice for our anniversary. We took our honeymoon in Atlantic City. We stayed at the Trump Taj Mahal.

What does that have to do with the movie, you ask?

I can't even begin to describe how totally wild it is to be watching a movie on your anniversary and halfway through the movie say "I've ridden that escalator." One year ago, on that very same day, we were RIGHT THERE. In that same exact spot. And 2 minutes later, the place we got our first funnel cake as man and wife appears on the big screen. I mean how cool is that?

GC couldn't have planned that better.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Angelina Jolie Wants To Be "Maleficent"?

Disney is putting a lot of energy into making Maleficent happen. They've brought Linda Woolverton on to write the script, and Tim Burton is still reportedly dancing around the project. Now a rumor has surfaced that none other than Angelina Jolie is showing interest in the project.
According to The LA Times, Jolie has been interested in Maleficent since last spring, but in the last few weeks

Sunday, March 28, 2010

All the money in the world is not enough

As a hippie at heart and sometimes in appearance, it is only natural that I have a deep affinity for tie-dye. After years of admiring tie-dye t-shirts at craft fairs, the first tie-dye piece I ever bought was this bright rainbow spiral longsleeve shirt at Value Village. Admittedly, I found it in the men’s section but it fits pretty well for a shirt whose tag reads “Beefy-T”.

I had always wanted to try my hand at the DIY tie-dye process, so I bought a kit and experimented on my (expendable) frosh t-shirts. As you can see, the result was endearing but amateur.

When my friend invited my to a free tie-dye workshop I jumped at the chance, but later had to bail out to do homework. She ended up making a shirt for me even though I couldn’t attend the workshop and the result is pretty badass if I do say so myself! I am proudly wearing my new expertly hand tie-dyed t-shirt today, if only to sit in the library and write a paper.

A Typical Boy

I find my 2 year old son, Scooby Doo, highly amusing. I mean, what mother doesn't? Being 2 is the funniest age in the world, in my opinion. They are funny even when they don't mean to be funny.

Case in point:

You know the saying that there's only one thing on a man's mind? This is definitely true for Scooby. Yes, I understand he is only 2, but it's not what you are thinking (get your mind out of the gutter!!).

Well then, why do you say that? You ask.

I'll tell you why. His favorite foods are (are you ready for this? Can you guess?) hot dogs, link sausage, kielbasa and smoked sausage. Yes. There you have it. He is destined to be "that" man with only one thing on his mind.

Often this works in my favor though. Example: if you jump over to my cooking blog, Kitchen Smack and check out my latest post you'd see I made something new involving kielbasa and soup. And Scooby is not a soup fan. This particular soup though?


And gone!

There were actually cries of "Mo pwease" filtering from the kitchen table for this one. You can't beat that.

Even if he does have an obsession with weiners.

And, since it's obvious that writing "poop" gives me the giggles, it should be apparent that my son's obsession would send me into fits of tear-filled laughter that leave me catching my breath and laughing some more.

Yes, I am "that" mom.

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Lower Half

There's no getting around it, some people just have naturally great legwear...

Also, I'm busy working on my (totally serious) application for a Master's Degree from Marisa Meltzer's Advanced Academy of Nineties-ology in NYC. Read her epic blog entry that I will re-quote here.

"I can teach French, Cultural Criticism in a Thousand Words, and will coteach West Coast Appreciation with Alice and Molly. Emily will teach Maximizing Email Wars, a class on Francesca Lia Block’s oeuvre, and Yoga. Elizabeth will be Fashion, Crafts, and Art History. Kara will be Queer Theory, Gender Studies, Performance, and will teach some kind of Teen cultural studies class. Jon will teach Drivers Ed, Math, Music Appreciation, and some kind of class on Magazine Studies with Elizabeth. Claire will teach Science Fiction. Jona will teach a class on Nirvana. Doree will teach trend reporting and History or whatever she has a masters in. We will all come together to do a mega advanced class on the ’90s. Obviously."

Pics from 00888, The Clothes Horse, Elinkan, and some random tumblr.

Feel Good Friday-Man's Best Friend

I love feel good Friday. Some weeks I REALLY REALLY need this. Some weeks, like this week, when it's jammed packed full of great moments, it's a bit harder to find the perfect way to end the week.

Today, since he brings our whole family such joy, I bring you...

The world's cutest, most precocious, entertaining, got-the-whole-puppy-dog-eyes-thing-down, lovable puppy.

At night, after the kids have gone to bed, he gets to play all by himself. He has 3 little animals that he loves to worry with, plus his own personal Bedtime Bear. Bedtime Bear is definitely his favorite thing to wrestle, worry and chomp on.

He is also an avid tail chaser. This is actually quite funny considering its just this little curly thing on his butt. You spin me right round baby, right round, like a record, baby, right round, round round...with a little barking and snarling for good measure.

I've always believed that animals choose their person. Zeus has chosen his, and it is clear as day to anyone looking who his favorite person is. Can you guess?

Yep, that's right. It's Jellybean. He goes looking for her all day long, and gets so excited when she gets home from school. As for her? I think the feeling is mutual.

The best part of all? She's a good mommy, too. And that, my friends, is enough to make every day a Feel Good day.

Happy Friday!! Want to share your Feel Good moment this week? Go on over to The Girl Next Door Grows Up, choose your prompt and follow the instructions. While you're there, take a look around. She's pretty awesome.

Friday Follow with a Cash Giveaway

Friday Follow

It's Friday Follow time, y'all!! I so love this idea. I love bloghopping. I have been discovering some great blogs this way. I know you want in on this action, too, so go visit One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades.

There's information on how to win some cold hard CASH on their sites as well. I can think of several ways I could spend $100 right now! Run on over, follow those ladies, and they will follow back. Link up and enjoy your new followers.

Happy Friday, everyone. As always, I will follow back.

MckLinky Blog Hop

You're still here? What are you waiting for? ;)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Real Poop-Drama's Thursday Confessional

I skipped this one last week (shame on me!), but I really need to confess my sins this week. You can take a number or butt to the front of the line (and confess it later), but I'm going first.

The Confessional is now open.

1. I feel like I am busy all day long, but when I look back at the end of the day, I couldn't tell you what it was that I was so busy with.
2. I feel like a first time parent with this puppy business. They really should come with manuals.
3. I think Tim Urban is the next to go on American Idol. Speaking of, I still think almost all of them remind me of someone already famous. I still really like Big Mike, but there are others showing more skills-like Crystal Bowersox (reminds me of Jewel), Siobhan (reminds me of Martina McBride), and Aaron Kelly. Even with a case of tonsillitis that boy sounded fantastic. My least favorite is Katie Stevens.
4. Despite the controversy, I still think it's funny. That's all I'm saying. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
5. I am so glad the science fair is over. Life can go back to normal now.

That's it for me this week. Who's next? (p.s. your secrets are safe with me. who am I gonna tell?)

Oh yeah, while I've got your attention, hop on down to Coming Soon and ask me anything. If you are in a creative mood, hop on down to Never Ending Story Saturday and add the next segment of the story. Poor puppy's never going to have that party!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Coming soon...

Next week, I am going to do a FAQ post. The problem is, I don't know what everyone wants to know about me!! So, ask me anything right here, in my comments, and I will answer your questions next week!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wordless Wednesday-Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?

You've heard of that "where's waldo" game, right? Ok. So today's Wordless/Wordful Wednesday is "Where's Scooby" to the theme song of the "Scooby Doo" cartoon we all loved growing up...

Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you?

Come on, Scooby Dooby Doo, I see you!

Scooby Dooby Doo here are you, you're ready and you're willin!

For more great Wordless Wednesday posts, check out 7 Clown Circus, parenting BY dummies, 5 minutes for Mom, Hearts Make Families and Live and Love...Out Loud.

You can link up here as well as at some of the above blogs.

Exquisite Corpse

It's been an awful long while since I've worn anything with sequins on it, and I decided that needed to be remedied immediately. I wore the sweater with my new AA disco pants to create a shiny tacky-trash vibe that probably belongs in the 80s but I keep resurrecting it. The weather has been depressing me lately, which is probably why I'm wearing all black. Also, I need a break from school. This shiz is driving my batty.

Post It Note Tuesday-Pick Em Up

Its that time of the week again. Its Supah's Post It Note Tuesday. You know you want to get in on the action so run on over there using the button above and find out how to play. Make sure you link up too because the real Post It Notes is on to us...

Today, I am doing pick up lines. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Most of the time, they just make you laugh...

And, to finish off the post...

So, leave me a comment with some of your favorite pick up lines and tell me which pickup lines have been used on you. Was there one that won you over?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Free Scoop Day!

Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23, 2010 is FREE SCOOP DAY at Ben & Jerry's. Go grab one between Noon and 8 pm, and ENJOY! Free POOP is always the best poop.

I know I really should go for the sugar free kind, but that Coconut 7 Layer Bar is just screaming my name. Or, maybe the Mint Chocolate Chunk is. I could also go for some Chocolate Therapy.

AAAAHHH! So many choices and only 1 free scoop!!

Which flavor will you try?

Want some FREE poop?

If you have visited my other blog, Kitchen Smack, then you know I have a love of cooking. Imagine my excitement when I visit one of my favorite blogs, The Practical Mom Guide and see that wonder of all wonders, she is having a giveaway of....


That's right!!

Calphalon Contemporary Nonstick 10" and 12" Omelet Combo Set (valued at $49.95).

Pan features:

* a nonstick surface which makes clean-up a breeze
* the bottoms are designed for even heating and require little if any oils when cooking
* can be used for various cooking techniques
* have sloping sides that allows food to slide easily onto your plate from the pan
* the cast stainless steel handle stays cool for hours to make cooking easier
* oven safe up to 450 degrees
* made in the USA and have a lifetime warranty

You KNOW you want in on this. Walk, no RUN! on over to The Practical Mom Guide for instructions on how you can win this!!! Good luck!!

And, since you are already here, go have some fun and add to my story below
Never Ending Story Saturday

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Drain You

It's not that often that I get excited about all the blog-related 'special offers' in my inbox (wedding rings? no thanks!), but this is one exception that I was genuinely excited to share with you. The t-shirt I'm wearing is from T-post, a Swedish project that bills itself as the 'world's first wearable magazine'. Basically, they come out with a new t-shirt design that correlates to a pop culture article printed on the inside of the shirt that gets 'published' every month. The shirt I'm wearing is called 'Higher Education of Just Plain High?' and features a fascinating article on the value of traditional education in light of crazy University classes like 'Cyberporn and Society' and 'the Simpsons and Philosophy', not unlike my 'Nature, Art, Myth and Folklore' class! Read the article online here and browse all the t-shirt back issues. T-post is the future, dudes!!

I think I was in high school when bright colour pants became trendy, which probably makes me an idiot for jumping on the bandwagon when I'm almost halfway done university. But I'm all about crazy legwear and these pants are it. I also paired them with neon socks for a potentially blinding effect.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Radical Mistress

I've been working like a madwoman lately! Between term papers, tests and my new job at American Apparel A I barely even have time to, umm, think? I finally scored a pair of these rad disco pants, which make me feel like a character in Grease. Then I paired it with a lace top, which is generally inappropriate for the general public but it is literally my job to dress more outrageously than the status quo. Plus, I really like how the lace top shows off my tattoos.

I guess I was kind of going for a 90s goth-y Winona vibe, huh? Funnily enough, I ended up wearing this to a 'Jersey Shore' themed party too...