Thursday, December 31, 2009

Heaven Knows

C'mon, you didn't think I'd let the new year get away without a lil SEQUIN MADNESS, did you?

I bought this ridiculously 80s/trashy Joan Rivers sequin top this summer, but only got around to wearing it now. Its waaay over the top, but I tried to tone it down all classy-like with the Audrey Hepburn cigarette pants and brogues.

Yep, 2009 was a really enlightening year and I enjoyed just about every moment of it but I have a few goals that are just going going to push 2010 over the edge! I am so ready for LIFE right now.

(The sulky face is just for show, I'm really feeling quite excellent.)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Blood Moon

Today is a day that will live in infamy. What does that mean? It's my 20th birthday!!! It makes me laugh to think that when I started this blog, I was a 16 year old kid who probably needed anger management, and now I'm just a bizarre adult living life on my own terms.

I call this look 'Holden Caulfield Heroine', and I'm basically trying to channel Franny Glass from Franny and Zooey, who I think is about the same age as me and equally existential. So of course, everything I am wearing is vintage. I'm planning on having a nice quiet day and then getting rip roaring wasted tonight.

Oh! I also managed to get a good picture of myself with the lovely Shetland sheep we keep on the farm. They are so small, cute and fuzzy which makes them really fun to play with!

Elis - How Long

 Elis - How Long

Elis - How Long (Lyrics)

How long, how long
How long will I go on like this,
hurting myself and denying my love.
How long will I go on like this,
ignoring the pain inside.

How long will it take until
everything's ruined and everything's gone.
How long will it take until
his demons devour him
and his visions burn us all.

How long can I go on like this,
until the strength is

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Rihanna’s NUDE GQ Photoshoot post

Rihanna’s semi naked photo shoot made her music boss angry. This semi naked photo were shot for GQ magazine. Pop singer Rihanna’s music boss, Antonio L.A. Reid became furious about the photo shoot.  Rihanna, the pop singer diva posed topless for the photo shoot. She was just covering her chest with her arms in the pictures. Rihanna posed for these pictures for the GQ magazine’s forth coming

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Cherry Mismas

Hope everyone had a wonderful Merry Christmas (Cherry Mismas!), or just plain old nice day depending on your habits of celebration. I am the proud new owner of 'The Ultimate Knitting Bible' and a pair of fuzzy new moccasin slippers. Thanks "Santa"!

We had quite the family feast last night, and I made up my own rules to the game Crocanole (which can really be quite violent if you play it anything like me).

Otherwise, I'm really enjoying this quiet holiday in the countryside. I would be posting more, but I forgot my tripod in my apartment. Nuts! I'm just going to read, watch movies and basically vegetate the rest of the week away until I have to return to regular brain-exercizing activities a.k.a. University.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Panic on the Streets of London

I've been bringing it all back to my thrifty roots these days. I found this epic pair of black brogues (which I have been on the lookout for AGES and I plan to wear them every day until there are holes in the sole because they are PERFECT) and Ferragamo flats at Value Village the other day. The Ferragamos aren't my usual style, but can we get a close-up on the price tag?

YES. $7.99. If you see designer shoes that are in good condition and in your size, do not stop to think - proceed directly to the cash register and BUY THEM.

In other news, I'm very much attached to this creepy black dress I bought over at Shop It Right Now. All of the buttons make me feel like I'm trapped in some prim Victorian schoolmarm/90s goth child* fantasy.

My is finally long enough to pin back, which is really adding to the schoolmarm vibe.

All of this prim-and-properness is freaking me out! Must compensate with silly faces!

*It is my goal to exhaust every single 90s subculture before I turn 30. Next up: Candy Raver.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas with Gordon Ramsay

 Christmas Turkey recipe from the F Word

Gordon Ramsay's roast turkey recipe from the F Word.

Ramsay's Christmas seafood paella

Gordon Ramsay's recipe for a delicious seafood paella, pefect for Christmas.

Ramsay's Christmas Chestnut, Parsnip and Apple Soup Tips for making Gordon Ramsay's Christmas roast chestnut, parsnip and apple soup from the Christmas Cookalong Live show.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Safe and Warm

I am finally through with my hellish bout of exams, and am safely tucked away in the backwoods of rural Ontario to spend Christmas with the family. Its really nice to be here, even though there isn’t much to do. Since being home I have:
1. Cut up a multitude of magazines
2. Decorated two different Christmas
3. Visited the Shetland sheep across the road
4. Heard enough Christmas Carols to make me go absolutely insane

I must go find some errant wool to knit another sweater (like this one I’m wearing) before I die of boredom.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Josh Groban - What Child Is This

Josh Groban - What Child Is This? (Lyrics)

What child is this
Who lay to rest
On Mary's lap is sleeping
Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
While shepherds watch are keeping

So bring him incense, gold and myrrh
Come peasant king to own him
The King of Kings salvation brings
Let loving hearts enthrone him

This, this is Christ the King
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing
Haste, haste to

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wicked Month

Exams have turned me into a bit of a batty old shut-in, but I only have one more to go! Last night I actually managed to cram in a bit of social time, having somewhat forgot what the feeling of 'having friends' is actually like. We finally finished watching Suspiria, the watched all of Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome which somehow led us to watching gross-out videos of Bot fly larvae. My mind was a bit like jelly after all that - it was a lot to take in!

Taking a bit of a break to go do some Christmas shopping (a task I abhor) and then rub my nose against the grindstone until it bleeds.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Use My Imagination

When I received a notice telling me that there was a package for me at the Post Office, it was a pleasant surprise. Getting mail is always a pleasure, especially when its a super awesome blogger package from the lovely Diane! She was kind enough to send me this silly, radical sweater and a pair of clunky-ass Doc Martens maryjanes. I love them so much that I wore them out dancing last night! Ahhh, you know my tastes too well!

Speaking of awesome free stuff, when you're a blogger sometimes you get emails from people who want you to review things. Generally I say no, but when Quirk Classics offered to send me a copy of Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, I accepted. Frankly, I was somewhat flattered they figured I was literary enough to review a book on a fashion blog, and secondly it sounded hilarious. In all honestly, Jane Austen is not my thing at all and I probably won't end up finishing the book but there have been some deliciously awful sentences that actually made me laugh out loud. It looks pretty stellar on my paltry media shelf, too.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tarantula Stew

Yesterday I wanted to wear something that was completely out of the ordinary for me, so I put on my Halloween dress and layered my Pixies t-shirt (plus numerous sweaters not pictured) on top. I guess I was going for a bit of a 90s goth look, circa Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice, what with the purple Doc Martens and all. Maxi skirts usually look awful on me, since I am not the height of an elegant giraffe, but I decided to try my hand at them anyways. Short to average height people of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but your chains (and/or miniskirts)!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Ahh yes, the foibles of winter. I am standing in a huge snowbank, layered like a lumberjack, trudging onwards into the exam period. Life couldn't be better. I am finally getting to wear these massive heifer Sorel snow boots that I bought on eBay this summer in anticipation of this weather. These boots are pretty harcore and obviously built to last, which is a good thing since I probably won't be able to wear any other shoes until next March!

In other news, this internet cartoon sums up my life exactly right about now.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Padded Cell

I am currently doing just about everything in my power to avoid screaming like a banshee at the top of my lungs, before crumbling into a large heap of failed potential. Normally I don't have a problem with scream therapy, but I am in a silent library right now and that would be socially unacceptable and just plain rude. Its just better to scream it out in your head while listening to Black Flag on your headphones.

Yep, its kind of hard to say 'this outfit was inspired by Missoni' with a straight face when I'm wearing a classic hippie sweater/"drug rug", but I'm all about the humour.

In other (not) exciting news, I found LEOPARD PRINT EARMUFFS while thrifting last week.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Make History

Now that its finally December, the Christmas themed parties are in full force! Last Friday, I wore this to a friends party titled "Santa Bros and Ho Ho Hos". Not a huge fan of the name (women aren't always hoes!), but the party was a really good time anyways. I'll take basically any excuse to dress up! Also, classes for the semester are over already and exams are in full force next week. Wish me luck, friends!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Vlahg 4

Dudes, I made another painfully akward video blog! Watch it on youtube or here.

Apparently I am quite prone to saying 'you know' when I talk to myself.

(Bridez, skull, Joy Division, skull, eye)
Also, you can watch my oher video blogs here, here and here.

Decent Pay

Taking a good picture was just not happening this morning - first the camera ran out of batteries, then I accidentally knocked over the tripod, then when I actually took a picture I ended up looking like some windswept tool with a goofy grin. But what the hey, I am a bit of a goofy tool, and at least you can see the sequin/lace detail on my outer shirt better then you could the last time!

I look like a total student from the waist down and a tranny hooker from the waist up. Just keeping it casual, y'know?

This is probably the most badass tattoo I have ever seen. I'd rather just wear my Joy Division shirt though...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

This Charming Man

So, I don't really know if the 90s grunge revival is considered 'not trendy' anymore or whatever but I continue to be inspired by it on a daily basis. I love me some visual mess, Nirvana, Angela Chase and Morrisey. Honest.

Pics from Nice and Shiny, I forget where else.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Christmas is coming early...


Are you serious? Is American Apparel actually opening a new location a five minute walk from my apartment? PLEASE PINCH ME. No, even better. PLEASE HIRE ME. I am seriously considering attaching this picture to the back of my resume. I know what job I'm aiming for this summer...

This is probably not a big deal for anyone who lives in a major city centre, but I am a hick and the the closest American Apparel location has always been at least one hour away.