Friday, January 7, 2011

BSOW: Pork and Purses

Are you looking for my Red Writing Hood post? Click here.

I almost got to hog my ice cream this week, but I didn't think that was a very good start to the new year, so I sent out an SOS on Twitter (@poopscoopinmama) and got a couple of replies. The first to respond was a very special lady. I recently discovered she's only been around 5 DAYS longer than I have. She's been a wonderful friend, making sure I am not neglected on Twitter (yes. I've been corrupted. I tweet, tweet, and tweet some more!)

When I asked her to send me links to the posts she wanted featured, she said "I only have my Favorite Ladies and I do memes. I don't really have any posts worth featuring." Well, Laura, I hate to break it to you, but...


Haha. I do have to agree that she participates in a lot of memes, but she does them SO fabulously. She has some beautifully written Pour Your Heart Out posts about bullying (I haven't highlighted them here as they are sensitive), and I really, really love her Monday Favorite Lady of the Week posts.

One of my favorite posts by this lady is part of the Happiness Project meme. These pictures literally took my breathe away! She's also got the scoop on the 9 Words Women Use. And? She even has an extensive Ask and Answer post that will give you all the dibs on why I love this blogger so much. Plus, she's getting me out of bind.

So, who is this fabulous scoop of blog ice cream? It is none other than Laura of The Purse Blogger!!

I asked Laura what her last meal would be and with whom would she share it. She kept her answer short and sweet:

Pork burritos, enchilada style with rice and beans and lots of cheese.

No question, it would be with my family.

She'll be back on Monday to guest post. Meanwhile, please take a moment to browse through her blog and see all the wonderful things she has going on over there. You WON'T regret it!!

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