Wednesday, June 1, 2011

'50/50' Trailer — Cancer Comedy?

The trailer was brought to my attention by my good friend Drew who was offended that I was writing about Spy Kids 4. Drew is basically Joseph Gordon-Levitt in real person form so you could understand his concern for said actor's health. I guess if a comedy can be made about terrorists (see Four Lions) then it's about time there was one about cancer, though this one has more of a Funny People look to it than a Hangover 2. While I'd like to see Seth Rogen do something a little more out of his comfort zone, I'm sure he'll be substantially humorous. I've been a really big fan of Anna Kendrick ever since Up in the Air. She does dark humor well so this should suit her.
In terms of it being offensive toward cancer patients and those who have lost loved ones to this horrible disease, I can't see it crossing any lines that those who have been in direct contact with the illness weren't already aware of.

Thanks again to Drew for bringing the film to my attention. It definitely has potential, which is more than I can say for the majority of today's blockbusters. It's set to come out September 30th.

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