Friday, July 8, 2011

BSOW: Maximum Drew

Yes, its a little late going up today, but better late than never, eh? This week's feature has her own set of Good Wife rules, knows the nostalgia of last babies, and has the fine art of getting one over on her husband down pat. She's not afraid to yell "Towanda!" to get her way. She's stifled the woes of a behind-the-times pig farmer. She has THOSE kinds of days too. And sometimes? her days go from bad to worst day ever yet she still leaves the humor intact, that is if she remembers to.

This week's Best Scoop of the Week is named Annie, and she is fresh from the throes of Maximum Chaos!

Annie was asked if a movie were made of her life, who would play her, and why....

My younger years were turbulent and chaotic - lots of DRAMA. Between the ages of 16-22 I am certain my family could have starred in a few episodes of Jerry Springer.  My family could probably still pull off a great "made for TV" movie.

If a movie were made of my life, I'd like to think Julia Roberts could play me.  As a natural red head (now more white than red at the ripe young age of 33) with 3 of 4 children also being redheads, I *LOVE* with Ms. Julia's gorgeous, flowing red tresses in Pretty Woman.  

However, as a vertically challenged woman at only 5'1", I can't pull off her long limbs. Actually, let's cut to the chase!  Since I'm not part of Hollywood, I can't pull off the stick skinny look either.  I purpose we go hog-wild with the delusions and not consider any real-life look-alikes...

Drew Barrymore.  I've always thought she seems like she would be so much fun to hang out with.  So, I choose Drew -- for no good reason, other than, she seems like she would be a hoot to hang out with.  Plus who doesn't love her spunk as the princess in Ever After - A Cinderella Story? I totally have to get me one of these costumes...

Have a great weekend, friends. Annie's back on Monday with a fabulous guest post you don't want to miss!!

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