Friday, July 8, 2011

Sarah Palin's Documentary 'Undefeated'

It doesn't matter what your political views are, I think we can all agree that Sarah Palin is an entertaining person. Lately she seems more focused on her publicity than on her political career. After her 8-week television "event" Sarah Palin's Alaska premiered on TLC last November, Palin took a highly publicized tour of the country in what many thought would lead to a presidential candidacy announcement. She's "authored" two books and her daughter Bristol has been on Dancing With the Stars and written a book of her own.

Now her latest project is a documentary called The Undefeated. Set to come out July 15 (in select theaters) the film looks like one long campaign ad. But I'm sure there will be some great quotes and accents that those of us who don't support Ms. Palin's politics will enjoy just the same. And no, unfortunately I don't think Tina Fey will be in this one. Will you go see it?

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