Wednesday, July 6, 2011

'Pirates of the Caribbean 5' in the Works

I just don’t get it. The first movie was great. Numbers two and three were horrible. And while the fourth installment that came out this summer was a little bit better, it was a C- at best. So why bring back Captain Jack Sparrow and his motley crew for another Pirates of the Caribbean film? Apparently On Stranger Tides, which came out this summer, has just reached its $1 billion mark. That just blows my mind.

I don’t really understand why people, many of whom have told me they don’t like any Pirates movies besides the first one, continue to go see them. When my boyfriend Caleb admitted an interest in seeing the fourth film after I panned it, I questioned his logic.

“I like the character of Jack Sparrow so much that I don’t really care if the story’s good,” he said.

And there you have it. Johnny Depp is an excellent actor. He is one of few men that look good in eyeliner and his off-putting mannerisms provide a nice humor. Who cares if you haven’t been able to follow the plot since the first one? Why should it matter that unnecessary characters keep popping up? Apparently the strong, personality-filled characters established in the first film are enough to sustain the franchise through yet another trip on the high seas.

I can hardly blame the producers — the film is making a fortune. Instead I blame the public.

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