Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Stewart's 'Snow White and the Huntsman' a Trilogy? Why?

What is it with people having confidence in Kristen Stewart's acting abilities? Yes, she may be the new poster child for today's "alternative girl," but that's only because the media made her that way. Why couldn't we idolize Evan Rachel Wood or Elle Fanning or someone with some talent?

After reporting that Stewart would play Snow White in one of the two spin off films set to come out in 2012 (maybe), there has been talks of Stewart's Snow White and the Huntsman being turned into a trilogy.

“It's meant to be the first in a series of films,” said producer Joe Roth. “This story will end, but there will be questions remaining for these three characters.”

What questions could there possibly be? Why didn't we give the Evil Queen (Charlize Theron) more face time? Why did we entrust a trilogy to an awkward actress who always looks like she has to go to the bathroom? Why did we think we could make a 5-minute clip in the cartoon into a series of films?

As the questions continue and my point of view becomes more and more apparent, I turn to you gentle reader. What do you think of this? Do you even care? Anyone, anyone? Bueller?

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