Thursday, June 2, 2011

BSOW: In the Pursuit of the Meaning of Life

Today's special treat has a lot going on at her place. She's got organizational tips. She's got the goods on a Lego party. She takes an old piece of furniture and makes it look brand new. She's got a post no husband should read. And I really, really, really want to have her decorate my next baby shower (hosted!! NOT having!!!)

So, who is this mega creative, crafty blogger? Why, it's none other than Kelley of Kelley's Family Jewels!!!

BWS tips button

I asked Kelley: "If you could have lunch with anyone famous or infamous, living or dead, who would it be and why?"

I immediately thought about Jesus.  I mean who would not like to get up close and personal with him, right?  

Then I thought about the questions I would ask; why can't there be peace?  Why do kids have to get serious illnesses? How can people not have enough food to eat? Why am I now growing hair on my chin like a goat?  I thought I was starting to sound pretty whiney and that is certainly not how I want the big guy to think of me.  Maybe, I am not ready to have lunch with Him.

Next I thought, what are some burning questions I have?  Maybe the person I invite to lunch could answer those questions. The tootsie roll owl popped first to my mind.  I mean really, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? Did Atlantis really exist? Who was the Babushka woman? What about aliens, the Loch Ness Monster and Big Foot- fact or fiction?

Finally, I settled on my grandparents. It's been quite some time since I had lunch with them. I was blessed to have both in my life until my late 20s. They were a huge part of my life- a constant stream of love & support.  They used to bring "un-birthday" presents to birthday parties so all us kids (birthday kid or not) would  have something special.  They gave us donuts for breakfast and did not make us eat cereal or something “good for us“ first.  My Gran and I could play gin rummy for hours.  I still don’t know if she let me win all those times. 

My husband lost his grandparents early on, so they gave him a second chance at having grandparents; but they never got to meet LJ, and that's a bummer.  I  am just going to have to keep guessing about who built the pyramids because now that I think on it, having one more lunch with Gram & Gramps would be awesome. (And who knows, they may know if Big Foot is real or not.)

I don't know about you, but I am looking forward to whatever delectable tasty Kelley plans to share as she takes over my blog as a guest on Monday.

Have a great weekend!!

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