Thursday, June 2, 2011

'Beautiful Boy' Trailer

This film has the potential to be controversial, which probably means it will be good. While I understand that was a bold statement (note the horrible film The Killer Inside Me), this one seems different to me. It explores the hurt and pain a family feel when they lose a son, but there's a lot more to it than that, considering their son died in a school shooting in which he was the one brandishing the weapon.

You see it all the time on the news: should the shooter be remembered in a funeral service? Should his parents receive the same sympathy and treatment as the parents of his victims? Should they be in our prayers? While many would say no, and I can understand their logic, I think it's a side to these tragedies that is rarely explored or even thought about.

Many experts say that you're a product of your environment. So what happens when you raise a child who goes on to be a murderer? It's only natural that you'd blame yourself. So not only does this couple have to deal with the grief that comes from the loss of their son, but they also have to live with feeling his victims' blood on their hands. What a horrible thought that hopefully will make for a very moving, thought provoking film. Apparently the film is supposed to be officially released tomorrow June 3, though I haven't been able to find it yet in my hometown. What do you think? Will you go see it?

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