Thursday, June 2, 2011

'Kung Fu Panda 2' Review

It seems that this last weekend was the weekend for sequels and this was the best one by far.

While I did like the movie a lot I think that if it were possible to get all of the famous voices in this movie together on a regular basis, it would make a better TV show. The characters are well-defined, the script is extremely humorous (and not just to kids) and the stories are interesting, but they don't need to be made into a feature-length film.

Those of you who scoff at Kung Fu Panda for being a "mere cartoon," and "not even a Pixar" are being extremely ignorant. The writing is excellent, the animated action sequences are some of the best ones I've seen and Jack Black is hilarious. Who better to play the voice of an overweight, kung fu fighting, noodle eating panda?

All the same, it would still make a top-notch TV series, one that I would watch daily....or hourly. The sequel was equally as funny as the first one though it was harder to make "fat jokes" about Po the panda when he was scaling buildings and destroying villains without having to sit on them first. I swear Angelina Jolie has more personality when you don't get to see her face than when you do. She did a wonderful, sultry tigress, and Seth Rogen's dry humor as Mantis did not go unnoticed.

Overall, I wouldn't care if they made Kung Fu Panda 3-25 (like The Land Bef0re Time), but they should really just shorten it and play it after Spongebob. Or maybe one day....dare I say it?...before.

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