Monday, June 6, 2011

'Breaking Dawn' Teaser Trailer, no I am NOT a traitor

As an entertainment blogger I have certain duties. Yes, I can control the content on my own blog, but I know that plenty of people like Twilight. Like I've already admitted, even I watch the movies. So here is the first official teaser trailer for the fourth film. Apparently Breaking Dawn will be split into two movies, because one just wasn't enough! I just can't wait to see how they film the weird vampire baby eating its way out of Kristen Stewart, and all of the parodies that will follow. By posting this trailer I am not betraying my fellow Harry Potter fans, I am merely supplying another group of people with their obsessions. Just like Team Edward vs. Team Jacob or Gryffindor vs. Slytherin, there comes a time when we all must work together. This film comes out November 18, 2011.

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