Monday, June 6, 2011

Jim Carrey might revisit 'Bruce Almighty' and 'Dumb and Dumber' Roles

I hate to make such a general statement, especially about an actor whom I've respected and enjoyed for so many years, but Jim Carrey should probably take some time away from the big screen. He's done physical comedy. He's attempted serious drama. And he's even had his fair share of embarrassments (note the upcoming Mr. Popper's Penguins). But trying to relive the glory days of Bruce Almighty and Dumb & Dumber is just taking it a step too far.

It's hard to believe but Dumb & Dumber came out 17 years ago and Bruce Almighty was about eight years ago. Trying to continue a story that old is ridiculous and clearly a cry for help. So Jim, I just want you to know, we're all here for you. We appreciate the hilarious work you've done and even enjoyed Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. But you're better than this. Don't be the next Tim Burton, constantly trying to remake movies. Make new movies. Just stay away from penguins next time.

If the rumors are true, he's still planning to go through with it. Even though they already made an Evan Almighty and a Dumber and Dumberer without Carrey, he still feels there's more to be told. Yes, the original movies were great, but making more would just cheapen their effect. Good luck to you Jim. I hope you find what you're looking for. And hopefully it's not an Ace Ventura 3.

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