Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer's New Look

There's been a few changes around here. And I really really like this change. There will be more changes soon too, perhaps, but this is the only one I am announcing today.

I love my new look! Isn't it cute? Whimsical, fun...just like me!!! Make sure you grab my cute little button to replace the old round one, mmkay?

There's lots of new things going on over at my design site, Genie Girl Graphics. You should stop by and say hi sometime. And guess what? The Genie has moved to wordpress!! Woot! I love it! :)

BWS tips button

Also, do you see those 2 lovely new sponsors taking up residence in my sidebar? Why don't you take a moment and check them out? I have a feeling you will like what you see.

Happy Thursday, my lovely friends and a BIG THANK YOU to my sponsors for their fabulous generosity.

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