Monday, August 29, 2011

'Glee 3D Concert Movie' Review

I'm a big fan of guilty pleasures. I own From Justin to Kelly and every season of Desperate Housewives and I blast Justin Bieber like it's my job. So when I saw that there would be a Glee Concert movie I was pumped. Mostly I was glad that I wouldn't have to spend lots of money on a concert ticket (like I did for the High School Musical concert...yeah I was there).

And fortunately, I was only slightly disappointed from what I saw in the theater. The song selection was excellent (the best song was definitely Amy Winehouse's "Valerie" sung by my favorite character, Santana) and the dancing was great. What I wasn't crazy about was the lack of backstory. Instead of having the actors talk about the show and how it has grown, each person stayed in character even in the backstage shots. So Rachel Berry was always Rachel Berry...never Lea Michele.

I wanted to know more about the actors and their journey thus far. What I got instead was an exposé on three major Glee fans who each had something that set them apart. Their stories were endearing and it was clear that Glee had made a big impact on their lives, but I would have liked to see them meet the characters they claimed to connect to.

The best part of the film had to be the mini Warbler...but I could have just seen that on YouTube.

Overall it was a fun, feel good movie. But I have to admit that Justin Bieber's Never Say Never movie was much more in-depth and interesting (yeah, I went to that too).

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