Sunday, March 6, 2011

Did You Know.....

Did you know in exactly one month Jellybean will be 11?!?

Did you know in exactly 25 days we will be moving into our new home?

Did you know in exactly 23 days we will be celebrating our 2nd anniversary?

Did you know in exactly 9 days GC will be 43?!?

Did you know that a winner has been chosen from the Incredible Blogoversary Giveaway I hosted at the end of February? The one that promised a prize of a $15 Starbucks gc, a $10 Amazon gc, ad space at the top of my blog for one month, AND choice design package from Genie Girl Graphics?!? Yep. She followed the rules to a T, left me love on a regular basis, and shared my giveaway with her tweets.

Did you know the winner is Susie B. Homemaker?!? Woot Woot Woot Woot Woot!!! I hope she left me her email so I can tell her about her winnings. If she didn't and she doesn't respond by Friday, I will announce a new winner.

Did you know that not all orange juice is from Florida? Did you know that Tropicana and Simply Orange sometimes import their juice?

I can tell you about one orange juice that I know is never imported. Florida Natural. It is owned an operated by Florida growers. Every drop of their juice comes from homegrown Florida oranges.

Did you know? You can taste the freshness too. I'll be honest. I am so not an orange juice fan. I usually drink Tropicana. But when Marguerite of offered me some free oj in return for a review on my blog, I jumped on it.

It's been a while since I had oj, too. Once I received the coupon for my free sample, I brought it home and put it in my fridge, excited for breakfast the next morning.

When we were ready to try it, I shook it up really well, took the top off and popped the seal. I was immediately met with the intense smell of an orange grove. It smelled so delicious!! I poured a little in a cup for Scooby, who is not a big oj fan, and myself.

I took a sip. My eyes closed as the oj met my taste buds. It really tasted like fresh squeezed orange juice from the farm. It was NOM NOM good.

Is your mouth watering yet? The next time you go to the store, pick up some Florida Natural. It will bring a taste of the sun to your kitchen. And for the first 5 lucky comments, I will even send you a coupon worth a $1.00 off the purchase of Florida's Natural Orange Juice.

Also, I have a fabulous line up of spectacular bloggers lined up for the last week of March and the first week of April while I move. I think you will really enjoy what they have to say!!!

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