Sunday, April 10, 2011

Guest Blog: Faith of the April Fool

You met Joey from Big Teeth and Clouds on Friday. She's returned with her fabulous self today in a guest post about a day gone wrong and a little faith. Welcome back, Joey!!

On Friday, April 1st, 2011, I had a very bad day. I suppose there have been worse days. It’s difficult to remember in the midst of a particularly challenging event that I’ve in fact survived moments even more awful.

April Fool’s Day is insufferable in an elementary school. Each child wanted to take a stab at fooling Mrs. R. “There’s a spider on your head!” “Your shoe is untied.” “I don’t like your shirt.”

The students were all wound up. Then the ones that I was tasked with aiding (or paraprofessionalling, if that’s a thing) resorted to huddling in a corner while simultaneously shrieking and completely ignoring any plea that might redirect them back into compliance.

Also, I had a head cold.

By the end of the day, I just wanted a hot cup of tea and several consecutive minutes of silence.

I had the tea and the sympathy of my husband. There is no silence in my house, only a little girl bursting with stories, energy, and the unrelenting desire to play “house” or “school.” House and school are my life. I wanted to play dead.

Then, I found an email in my inbox directing me to write a blog post about faith.

Faith. My mind wrapped around that word. My faith, I wondered, is it faltering? I’ve been to church only three times this year. I still haven’t read the New Testament. I have this niggling suspicion that reading the Bible would only bring me personal awareness of the things I’m doing wrong. I’m storing up treasures on Earth, for instance. I know this and cannot stop.

Being called to think specifically about faith on a quite unfortunate loser of a day was therapeutic. I may be, in fact, creating the scheduling conflicts that prevent regular church attendance, but my faith is stronger than ever. I can’t find the time to read the Bible, but I know there is some sort of plan for me. Days can be long and crummy, but the strength to get through them comes from a force greater than myself.

I have faith.

Was an email from the Scoop on Poop really a sign from God? Probably not. Still, the timing was divine.

Joey writes three times a week about her life as a mom and special education paraprofessional on her blog, Big Teeth & Clouds. She writes every Sunday about childhood hearing loss and the issues that arise parenting her hard of hearing daughter.


And, I'm back!!! Woot! The move was successful, the first sleepover ever went...and I have missed you so. I have lots of stories for you!! Thanks for hanging in there for the past 3 weeks. Weren't my guests some fabulous peeps?!?

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