Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just Thursday

Outside my window...the sun is shining, the wind is blowing, and my cherry blossom tree is all green leaves.
Today I feel...tired. It was a late night last night working on a project.
I am thankful...for my new house, great children, a loving husband, and waking up this morning.
Tomorrow I am an appointment to qualify for TTY equipment. We will  visit the Easter Bunny while we are out and about.
I am wearing...a black lace camisole and grey sweats cut off to be shorts.
I wish...that my book(s) edited itself. 
This weekend...we are doing an Easter Egg hunt, going to a sunrise service, and hosting the family dinner.
I am reading...The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton
I am working on...stories for writing prompts and a blog header.
Yesterday I...blasted loud obnoxious music after GC went to bed to get him to help me wash my hair after complaining about it for 3 hours prior (Story to come)
I am hoping...that my friend finds peace after her son passed away yesterday. He was 7. He had leukemia, though it was pneumonia that killed him. So sad.
I am hearing...silence. I haven't put my ears on yet.
I bet you didn't know...that I have lost 10 lbs
One of my {least} favorite things to clean house.
One of my {most} favorite things to snuggle with the kids.

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