Wednesday, April 27, 2011

PYHO: What Not to Wear

I like to think of myself as the non-judgmental type. I'm a laid-back, take-it-as-it-comes person. Most things I just let roll off my back, simply because they just aren't worth getting bothered over.

Yesterday though, I saw something that not only shocked me, but saddened me. It also made me want to cover Scooby's eyes, and he isn't even old enough to appreciate the scenery provided.

As I said, I'm not the judgmental type. However, yesterday, I found myself thinking,"OMG. What are her parents thinking?" That was swiftly followed by, "Do they even know?"

Yes, it was THAT shocking. At least, to me.

Scooby and I go to Chick-Fil-A every Tuesday night for family night while Jellybean is in dance class.

Family Night.

Yesterday, I noticed this 16 year old girl from the back. It was the first thing I saw of her. A black lace bra showed underneath a completely sheer back dress? top?. A sexy black lace bra, at that. I think it was more the combination of the racy bra with the sheer black back that was more shocking then either of them alone.

Until she turned around.

First thing to catch my eye was the cut down to the navel front that revealed her satin leopard print push up bra. Yeah. That was followed by a really cute iridescent blue-purple-pink flapper type dress without the fringes that barely made it past her underwear.

At least she had jeggings on, right?

What upset me the most was really not the top. It was the combination of her age, mixed with the fact that she appeared to have worn it to school (though, how she got around the dress code I'll never know).

Perhaps, on further reflection, she merely changed into after school was over. But still.

Her 2 friends were appropriately dressed like teenagers. She stuck out like a sore thumb. The poor child looked like a bonafide street walker. I worried about her safety, and she is not even my child.

Then, I worried that it could be MY child someday. We have discussed the choice of costume for so many of the pop stars today...Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and most notably for my daughter, Miley Cyrus.

I should be happy that she finds Miley Cyrus's camel toe showing contraption she struts on stage with indecent, but will she always?

I certainly hope so.

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