Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Proud Mommy Moment, Edition 1

Today I am joining in on an AWesome new meme created by Kmama of The Daily Dribbles and Emmy Mom of One Day At a Time. For more info on this, click here. To link up your own PMM or Not-so PMM, click here or here.

It's easy to get caught up in the comparisons between your own children. For example, Jellybean was miles ahead of her peers at this same age as Scooby is. She was saying her ABC's by 2, could count in Spanish to 10 (thanks to Dora), and didn't have any developmental delays.

Scooby on the other hand is in speech therapy now twice a week to get his speech the way its supposed to be. He just started doing his ABCs after he turned 3, and doesn't count in Spanish at all.

Something else Jellybean did when she turned three was ride a bike, successfully, within hours of getting her bike for her 3rd birthday. Two weeks later, she was riding without training wheels.

Today, I am very proud of Scooby for mastering the skill of pushing pedals on a bike and sticking with it. He practiced on his big wheel first, beaming with pride as he rolled across the back deck with his feet on the pedals the entire time. The rain kept him from practicing on his new bike, but once he had a chance?

Well, just see for yourself...

And that? is a Proud Mommy Moment. We'll work on the braking later...

So, what's your proud mommy moment today?

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