Saturday, May 14, 2011

'Perks of Being a Wallflower' Movie with Emma Watson

At first I loved this book. Then I realized I only loved this book because all the other angsty middle schoolers loved it. Then I hated this book. Now Emma Watson is set to play one of the main characters in the film adaptation. Now I am confused. Do I like the story? Or not? I haven't read the book since middle school, so who knows?

Watson will play Sam, the love interest to the main character Charlie (played by Logan Lerman who was Percy in Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief). She'll have to flirt, which according to Watson is "new." What about Ron Wesley? Did we just imagine that romance? Basically Watson just has to stand there and look gorgeous, though she's already proven she can do much more than that. Well, we'll see. Hopefully it will be great, but my fickle childhood interest in the book leaves me wary. Thoughts? The film is set to come out in 2012.

Watson has had to deal with angsty teenage emotions before. See below...

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