Friday, May 6, 2011

Will Smith in Talks to Star in Tarantino's 'Django Unchained'

Sorry about all that Twilight nonsense, now let's get back to the good stuff. According to Empire Online, Will Smith is Tarantino's top choice to play the title role of Django — a freed slave who attempts to reunite with this wife.

After the movie title and potential plot were announced this week, I've been on a Tarantino fix, watching Inglourious Basterds and finally buying Pulp Fiction. Though I think Smith has definitely proven himself as a serious actor, I'll be interested to see him in a — what can only be described as quirky — Tarantino film.

Apart from Christoph Waltz having a very Basterd-esque role in this film, Samuel L. Jackson is also rumored to have a spot. The only complication with Smith is his required salary, but I hope these two crazy kids can work it out to produce a hit. What do you guys think?

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