Monday, May 16, 2011

'Bridesmaids' Review

While watching the previews, I started getting nervous. Being a Regal Cinemas employee I'd seen everyone exiting the Bridesmaids' theater talking about how hilarious it was.

"The female Hangover!" "One of the funniest movies I've ever seen!"

I've heard comments like this before. And while sometimes they are right, the American public isn't always the most intelligent bunch of people. But this time those leaving the theater must have been the ones that voted for Clay Aiken, not Ruben Studdard.
When Bridesmaids was over, I checked my mascara because I'd been laughing so hard I was not crying, but sobbing. The beginning was a little rocky and awkward, but about 20 minutes in it turned so hilarious I barely had time to breathe.

Melissa McCarthy (Sookie on Gilmore Girls and Molly on Mike & Molly) stole the show, playing her funniest character yet. Her butch, confident character, Megan, had more jokes than the whole motly crue combined.

I don't want to spoil anything, but the dress fitting scene was some of the best team acting efforts and physical comedy I've ever seen. I didn't stop laughing all the way home just thinking about it. In fact, I'll say it, it was better than The Hangover. So go see it as soon as possible with all the expectations in the world. You won't be disappointed.

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