Monday, May 2, 2011

Brand New Life

 So its May 2nd, which means ELECTION DAY if you're a resident of that bounteous nation where maple syrup flows free. I mean Canada, duh. I tend to have pretty strong political opinions, and so here is a public service announcement to fight apathy. Vote! Please! Preferably not for Stephen Harper! It would be dumb to deny yourself the opportunity to participate in democratic society so as long as you're eligible, take the ten minutes out of your day and go vote! Even if you don't consider yourself 'well-educated' on the issues at hands, just go with your gut instinct.
Today is also the day I board a plane Westward to British Columbia, to embark on my latest travel adventure. I'm backpacking for five weeks and can't wait to be surrounded by the natural beauty of the Rockies. I'll be leaving behind regular internet connectivity and all semblances of fashion for longer than I feel comfortable with, but it's all about pushing boundaries your own, right? I mean I'm really pushing the boundaries of fashion with these hiking boots (thrifted, $13). The phoenix sweater will be there to be my spirit guide every step of the way.

So see you on the flip side! In the meantime, check out my weird girl mug in the latest and greatest video blog I made!! It's an entry for the contest sponsored by TriCylen-Lo and I have the chance to win a whopping ten grand if my video gets chosen. Send me positive brainwaves!

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