Monday, June 27, 2011

'Super 8's' Joel Courtney to Potentially Play Tom Sawyer in New Film

Joel Courtney's first film was this summer's blockbuster, Super 8. Super 8 was a fantastic movie that really brought me back to my childhood of watching E.T. and The Goonies. Not surprisingly, Courtney's performance has interested other directors looking for the next generation of child stars. He is currently in talks to play Tom Sawyer in a new film adaptation called Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn. Apart from reading the books, I grew up watching Tom and Huck (1995) starring the then-heartthrob Jonathan Taylor Thomas.

So keeping in his tradition of helping me to relive my distant childhood, Courtney could potentially take over the role of the young, mischievous Mr. Sawyer. Film producer Jo Kastner plans to write and direct the film which is set to film in Bulgaria later this year. But I thought it took place on the Mississippi River?

Were you as impressed with Courtney's performance in Super 8 as I was? Will he make a good Tom Sawyer?

Below is the trailer for the 1995 film.

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