Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Pixar Film 'Brave'

Last summer while studying in London, I visited Edinburgh, Scotland during the Edinburgh Film Festival. As some of you may have read, I attended a screening of Toy Story 3 along with Sean Connery. However, Connery wasn't the only special guest there. The creators of Toy Story spoke with the audience before the screening and took the time to tell us about their latest project -- Brave.

This project was especially significant to that audience because the story took place in Scotland. It is set in the Scottish Highlands. It is also the first Pixar film to have a female star (even in Cars it was a male car). The film is supposed to be a bit darker than some of the other films while still having Pixar's signature comedy and life. It follows the Scottish princess Merida (voiced by Kelly Macdonald) as she goes against her parents wishes and pursues her love of archery. Think Mulan mixed with How to Train Your Dragon. Below are some pictures of the concept art and above is the film's first poster. It's set to come out June 22, 2012. Will you go see it?

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