Monday, June 13, 2011

Hazards of Love

Just like the clothing I wear, the way I choose to decorate my bedroom is undeniably an extension of my personality. I'm absolutely obsessed with Teenage Bedroom, and seeing how other people decorate their rooms! Minimalism is cool and all, but I don't feel at home unless my walls are covered in a busy array of colours and shapes. The theme of my new room is maps! I've got a world map, Medieval England map, Southern California map and Western Canada map and they make me feel at home.

Thankfully, I'm no longer living in a dingy basement (which I nicknamed the Bat Cave) so I'll have to think a little bit harder about what to name my room this time. Perhaps, the Tiger Lily is more suitable?
 Just above my bed: Medieval England, Kurt Cobain, witch card, Vagina Monologues poster, Vogue editorial and PJ Harvey.
 My homage to the Queen, clothing, The Smiths and Minor Threat.
 Work Space: World map, National Geographic California map, shoe organizer. And what is behind the shoe organizer, you may ask?
A walk-in closet, I do declare!!

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