First off, there's The Brother's Grimm: Snow White starring Julia Roberts as the evil queen, Armie Hammer as the prince and Lily Collins as Snow White. Then there's also Snow White and the Huntsman starring Charlize Theron as the evil queen, Chris Helmsworth (Thor) as the huntsman and Kristin Stewart as Snow White. The first is a darker version of the fairytale in which Snow White and the dwarfs attempt to take back their destroyed kingdom from the evil queen. And second is a story about the huntsman who is supposed to kill Snow White in the woods but instead becomes her friend and mentor.

While I think that both Roberts and Theron will be excellent queens, the casting of the Brother's Grimm version seems much more promising. Yes, Kristin Stewart has that pale, deathly look, but she also was nominated for a Razzie award for Worst Actress this year. Her version of distraught looks more like someone who really has to use the toilet when there isn't one in sight so it'll be interesting to see her play one of the most innocent and scared princesses in all of the fairy tale realm.

The two movies are currently battling over which one will open first. According to Entertainment Weekly, the Huntsman version was originally set to open in December 2012. Then the Grimm version set a date for June 29, 2012. Then the Huntsman version set its date for June 1, 2012. Then the Grimm version set its date for March 16, 2012. And I just got dizzy. It leaves me asking the question: well, why did you all decide to make very similar movies around the same time?
But the battling Snow Whites aren't the only multiple remakes of classic stories. The Wizard of Oz is also getting some attention in the upcoming years. First there will be the animated Dorothy of Oz with Lea Michele (Glee) voicing Dorothy, Jim Belushi voicing the Cowardly Lion, Kelsey Grammer voicing the Tin Man and Dan Aykroyd voicing the Scarecrow. This story will follow Dorothy after she's left Oz and returned to Kansas, only to find out that her friends back in the Emerald City are in trouble.

Then in 2013 the movie Oz: The Great and Powerful is supposed to come out. It will star James Franco as the Wizard, Mila Kunis as Theodora, Michelle Williams as Glinda and Rachel Weisz as Evanora. It is a prequel to The Wizard of Oz story that follows the Wizard arriving in Oz and becoming the leader of the Emerald City. In the story the Wizard falls in love with Glinda and Theodora, who had feelings for him, is heartbroken and turns to the evil witch Evanora for comfort. The two become evil and attempt to take over.

These two make a little more sense than the Snow Whites. One is a prequel and one is a sequel and one is live action while the other is animated. But at the same time, can't filmmakers come up with any new ideas? Why do we have to keep coming back to the classic stories? Like Todd Phillips and The Hangover series, just because you've found something that works, doesn't mean you should duplicate it. If you're going to make your own version of a classic, your name should be Tim Burton.
What do you guys think of the dueling movies? Which will be the best?
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