Friday, June 17, 2011

Spielberg Considering Jurassic Park 4

Fresh off his success from this summer's recently-released Super 8 (which he produced), Steven Spielberg is now considering going back to a series that has served him well. The first Jurassic Park came out in 1993 and continues to be a classic today. Four years later, The Lost World: Jurassic Park came out and then in 2001 the third one came out. Jurassic Park III was the only one I was "old enough" to see in theaters and it was actually fairly decent.

Unlike the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Jurassic Park films have actually been pretty good so I'm not opposed to a fourth film. Spielberg is currently just in the brainstorming stage and has not committed to anything yet. He's said to be "spitballing" ideas with Thor writer Mark Protosevich. The recent deaths of book author Michael Crichton and creature designer Stan Winston had made the franchise appear to be at an end, but I firmly believe that Steven Spielberg can do anything he puts his mind to.

What do you guys think? Unnecessary? Or a good idea?

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